lotr: return of the king - when eowyn (the rohan chick) fights the witch king of angmar and he shatters her shield, he lifts her up by her throat with one hand and says "die now".
ironically, the best line in a movie ever is more or less followed by the worst line in... in the world, ever! "i am no man." the suckiness of that line is only maybe matched by the one near the end of the ring 2 - "i'm not your fucking mommy!"
if you don't know what i'm talking about, please go kill yourself tnx.
ironically, the best line in a movie ever is more or less followed by the worst line in... in the world, ever! "i am no man." the suckiness of that line is only maybe matched by the one near the end of the ring 2 - "i'm not your fucking mommy!"
if you don't know what i'm talking about, please go kill yourself tnx.