Best DMX album?

I have never really been in to dmx but im thinking of buying one of his albums, can people offer their opinion on which one i should buy?



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/\ nah. i'm the biggest DMX fan in the world, but to my dismay his albums have become progressively worse...except for "The Great Depression" which was slightly better than "..and then there was X"

It's dark and hell is hot >>> Flesh of my flesh blood of my blood >>> The Great Depression >>> ....and then there was X >>> Grand Champ

I'm just hoping that "here we go again" will buck the trend.
the first 3 are his best albums
if i had to pick one id say

and then there was x
that album has track afer track of hottness i can go through that album without skipping a song
if you're ready for it, It's Dark And Hell Is Hot

Flesh of My Flesh, Blood Of My Blood is like the Godfather 2 in music. greatest sequel ever.

...And Then There Was X was good he still kept his style

The Great Depression he slipped a bit but he;s still there

Grand Champ was akward it didnt feel like X. it ran too long, too many skits, too many guest appearences. no Damian and no God track. his prayer was also wack, since when did his prayers have a beat. i still like the album but it took awhile to grow on me while the others ones were automatic.

i think he's going to take it back to the early days with 'here we go again'
HEY DEEJAY why don't you download any or all of DMX's albums from one of the many downloading programs and then after that if you like any of them you can go out and purchase it.

If you download or still decide to buy any DMX album I suggest you start with his introduction album to DMX "It's Dark And Hell Is Hot", which is a classic rap album. It was flawless then and is flawless now.

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