Benzino - Built for this [ Eminem Diss ]

CalcuoCuchicheo said:
C'mon Jason, you know I don't want to beef, it's just you tend to say things that have no relevence to the discussion & I'd rather you didn't.

People make statements in life dude. Sometimes just to say them.

Fucking Christ think I give a fuck what you wish I would or wouldn't do?

The mature thing for you to do is read this and move on, but you'll post another reply to keep a beef going, so this is my last reply to your statements in this post no matter what you say.
Yeah, sorry to fulfill your prophecy.

You can try to be the 'bigger man', whatever.

I will quote myself though just to prove how ridiculous you are being.

CalcuoCuchicheo said:
C'mon Jason, you know I don't want to beef
I know you don't want to reply, but I would like to know how you interpreted this as me wanting beef. For the life of me, I cannot see how.

Anyways, there is no beef.
DrugBa11ad said:
lol I love Benzino's blatant racism, it's really great.

Fuckin bigot.

Didn't know Jason got a new name for TB. How is he rasict if he is partners with Dave? It's a diss track man. Calm your nerves and take your prozac killer.
I understand that its a diss track, but when did you hear Em smashin' on Benzino cuz of his race, besides his "oh tahts right, your half white" comment, but that wasn't really even racist, but listen dude, my point was when he Benzino said some shit about XXL siding with a cracker, or some bullshit racist crap like that. That is racist. Did Eminem say "oh the source is sidin' with some nigger" ? Huh? Did he say that? No, I don't think so. Sayin cracker can be racist also dude, it aint just a one-sided issue.
DrugBa11ad said:
I understand that its a diss track, but when did you hear Em smashin' on Benzino cuz of his race, besides his "oh tahts right, your half white" comment, but that wasn't really even racist, but listen dude, my point was when he Benzino said some shit about XXL siding with a cracker, or some bullshit racist crap like that. That is racist. Did Eminem say "oh the source is sidin' with some nigger" ? Huh? Did he say that? No, I don't think so. Sayin cracker can be racist also dude, it aint just a one-sided issue.

I met Benzino out in boston before, the dude ain't racist. You need to understand that beef will bring the worst out of men. Say if you got your ass beat by a couple of black dudes you wouldn't tell your white friends that you got you stuck up by a couple of n's. You would man. You can't deny the fact that Benzino has some talent. I'm native american btw.
No dude, I dont say "nigger" as an insult. Thats just something I wont do, like I wont say "spic" or none of that racist shit. If I got my ass beat by a couple of black dudes id tell my friends I got my ass kicked by a couple of dudes, dont matter whether they blaack or white or mexican or what I got my ass kicked by a couple of dudes. So dont tell me what I would or wouldn't say.

And I disagree with saying "Benzino has some talent", I really don't think he flows that well or sounds that good, I can't stand his voice. Now I agree, he has some good diss lyrics, racist diss lyrics, but lyrics none the less.

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