Bank Robbers review of the week: Esham "Kkkill The Fetus"

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC

What Is Evil
Symptoms Of Insanity
Runnin' From Me!
Voices In My Head
No Singing / Misery
Game Of Death
Headache / Wet Day Dreamer
Hot Booty
I Thought You Knew
If This Ain't Hell
My Understanding Is Zero
Freak Nasty
Kkkill The Fetus
Don't Blame Me!
You Still Hoe'n
My Mind's Blowin' Up!
Get On Down
Helter Skkklter

The year is 1993. Horrorcore is a year away from emerging on the nation wide scene. Meanwhile, in Detroit, Esham drops his 4th solo album to date and shits all over the name of decency with his pro-abortion LP that makes you shiver just looking at the cover. Is the music material as dark as the artwork? You betcha. From "Kkkill the Fetus" to "Head Hunter" to "Game of Death", Esham comes through with horrorcore like nobody else does. Aside from the horrorcore he brings some sex tunes that would make Nate Dogg offended, such as "Jackie" and "Wet Day Dreamer". If theres a way to cross the line, Esham takes it.

This cd has something for everyone on it. Feeling happy? Try "Sunshine". Feeling suicidal? Try "Voices In My Head". Feeling in a party mood? "Get On Down" will get the job done. Feeling like going on a killing spree? Half the songs on the cd are for you.

Of Esham's extensive collection of solo material. the production is probably the 3rd best of his 14 cds, lyricism is in the top 5, and delivery is also in the top 3. Other than Closed Casket and Dead Flowerz, I'd recommend this cd the most of any of his past albums.

If you're a pussy, I suggest you avoid this cd at all cost because it might scare you and make you wet the bed, you little pre-pubecent bitch.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
HellRazor05 said:
I can't stand this type of music. I ain't tryin' to hate Bank Robber, I know your into this type of shit cuz your always writin reviews on it but honestly the shit is disgusting to me. I had to say it.

have you actually sat down and listened to it? or do you just look at the covers and judge it?
esham is the shit, i'll give bank robber that... esham is fuckin psycho, lmao, he makes that BTK killer music, lmao, but i give him his props cuz he's good at it. although, i'd rather listen to brotha lynch just cuz he makes gangsta horrorcore music and his flow is just ohhh soo ill. but esham is sick on the mic, i wish i had an opportunity to collab with either of them. shit, necro too. i wanna do some horrorcore shit & see if i can be as grotesque as them, lol.

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