Baltimore Love Thing:Ghostwritten??

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I was shocked and just caught off guard by how dope this track really is which leads me to question.

you think monch might of wrote this just dumbing himself down?

It is really the only time 50 has done anything creative plus its very similar to previous tracks monch has done.

seeing how hes on shady just to be there it seems this could be a possibility which is why I ask you do you see this cus I think maybe im just paranoid and don't wanna give 50 his props for such a dope track.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
It is really the only time 50 has done anything creative
Not true. Gun Runner on Power Of Dollar, for example, is a creative song.

You make it seem like 50 Cent doesn't have a brain... and Baltimore Love Song is good but it's not out of this world. 50 Cent can write that shit.
Yeah it's hardly groundbreaking. I think people tend to elevate it simply because it's by far the best track on The Massacre. Put it on GRODT thought and it's hardly a stand out.
both of your post have their points and I never really claimed it to be groundbreaking just dope,

Fuck it then The man deserves his props its a raw as track and is easily the best on massacre

I'll make sure to check that gun runner joint what # is it salty?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
GRODT isn't that great either. I don't know why everyone thinks it's so much better than Massacre. They are both 3.5/5 albums. Power of The Dollar is 50's best album in terms of creativity and lyrics.
i really didnt see anything lyrically amazing about this song...the metaphor for heroin was just plain old transparent...nothing innovative whatsoever in my opinion.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
Massacre is a load of bollox.Ive listened to it about 3 times since i downloaded 3 months ago.I hate it.rubbish.

People need to stop listenin to dis crap and start listenin to albums like Commons new one 4 example.


me, myself & us
50 is now a sell out.. :( the massacre is bad. GRODT was a sell out too and not that good too but better than the massacre. but 50 is smart.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
You people are SUCH FUCKING TOYS haha.

How did this thread become about 50 cent sucking? Or GRODT? Or Massacre vs. GRODT? How did this turn into another 50 cent hate thread?

The guy just asked a question, the answer is no. Thats that. Stop the fucking hating, you kids are funny. You cant even answer a simple question without trying to preach or take sides.
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