B.O.S.S. Music droppin' on Sept. 27th/Caliboyz no more on the album

This guy posted it on the Dynasty Records forum:

Some of you may remember me. Im employed by Universal and have my own company AUX/LEE Marketing. We promote all labels like Treacherous, that are involved with Universal.

If you remember my post back in May about the first single from B.O.S.S. MUSIC being called LETS GO produced by Scott Storch. I was actually speaking about Cali Boys. If you listen carefully during the hook, Crooked I says in the background "lets GO". The hook and title was changed to Cali Boys, so as I said in May it was supposed to be the boss music single but because you gave it negative feedback it has been taken off the Crooked I LP and placed elsewhere. Another reason why Cali Boys has been taken off the LP is due to another long hold up with the release of boss music. The song has leaked and been pressed for release. therefore it would make sence to do something with the song while it is still hot. Enter Crooked I's DVD, Life After Deathrow. The date for the DVD is Nov 1st and the Cali Boys single will be release in October.

My homeboy Complex has also been working on some mixtape stuff with the D click. Crooked I has a couple mixtapes coming out in September. And he is sat on a full mixed record in Boss music which is now pencilled to hit shelves December 27th.

Again U dont have to believe what I say or who I am.

I think the board admins at the dynasty site have already refuted his authenticity.

but the again, i think he was the first the drop the news that crooks album was initially gona be delayed from july to september and he ended up being correct.
Aux is lying a sack of shit he doesn’t have any connections with anyone at Dynasty. He's already been exposed

Cali Boyz was not going to be on that album anyways, that was a mistake, it's on the DVD soundtrack.
Pittsey said:
Either he's a good blagger or he's talking sense.

December 27th though, kinda a strange date.
lil eazy droppin on that day too :D

but is it september 27th or december 27th ? article and title are different :confused:


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Kanye West - Drive Slow. Last 10 secs is chopped and screwed.

There's a few chopped and screwed remixes out there. Most are poop.
sniper said:
oooooooh like when they sound disabled ??
yea thats exactly it lol, i dont really like it

its really made for when youre on syrup cuz it kinna sounds normal then, when youre just drunk or smoked out, im like wtf is this

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