B.G. donates $50,000

Platinum success rapper B.G. donates $50,000 towards a new girl's home being erected in New Orleans for troubled teens[/b]

(AP) (NEW ORLEANS) - Co Pastor of Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church and General Overseer of the International Full Gospel Fellowship - Daughters of the Promise Women's Ministry, Elder Debra B. Morton, recently won the monetary support of rapper B.G. on a much needed asset for youth of New Orleans in crisis - The House of Promise.

The House of Promise, scheduled to open its doors in September, will be a welcomed addition to New Orleans. The brainchild of Co Pastor Morton and the Daughters of the Promise international women's ministry will provide shelter care, meals, educational and recreational programming, life skills, support counseling and transportation services to youth who have experienced conflict, chemical abuse, physical or sexual abuse, parental neglect, Deliquency, and/or emotional difficulties.

The national problem of runaway youth is one that New Orleans is not immune to. Each year 1-1.3 million youth run away from home and are either arrested, pursue a life of violent crime and/or unhealthy lifestyles. Currently, the only available intervention are community based crisis centers that are often located outside of the community and maintain extensive waiting lists.

"Our goal, shares Co Pastor Morton, is to keep families together. Having an available residential facility in New Orleans will allow parents and family members an opportunity to regularly visit and support their daughters, a very necessary part of healthy and successful crisis intervention that will ultimately lead to the reunion of families." The facility, a donation to the
Daughters of the Promise Ministry by Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church under the leadership of Bishop Paul S Morton will be housed directly across from the current Greater St Stephen Uptown Location.

Member of Greater St. Stephen, B.G. (aka Christopher Dorsey) was drawn to
support the House of Promise due to his experience as a troubled teen once addicted to heroin. "The way things work, I should have been gone and counted out. Sometimes I can't believe how blessed I am to still be here, a living testimony. I have been drug free two years strong and it has been uphill ever since and I do not plan on stopping anytime soon.

I am the CEO of my own successful Chopper City Record label, I mentor kids, speak at schools. Iam happy to be out here and able to make a difference. Many young people won't listen to their parents, but they will listen to B.G. I don't want these kids to just hear me talk the talk.....Iwant to show him that I can walk the walk too. I came to Greater St Stephen's, through my cousins Minister Troy and April Lawerence, an addict, and I am eternally grateful to Bishop and Co Pastor for not judging me and accepting me with open arms. It is only right that I bless those who have blessed me and help to dispel the myth that rappers are thoughtless individuals whose lyrics only promote violence and disrespect to females. I hope my actions demonstrate the difference between reality and entertainment," shares B.G.

B. G. proudly presented The Daughters of the Promise Ministry with a $5,000 donation through his publicist ChiQuita Simms at a recent fundraising luncheon that was held at Pampy's Restaurant in New Orleans.

B.G., committed to the youth of New Orleans spent the last few weeks of May visiting nEW Orleans Parish public schools, speaking to young people about the importance of an education and remaining drug free and non violent. In addition, B.G. supports an annual Black History Contest for the youth of New Orleans. 2005 winner Bianca Calvert of Light City Christian
Academy, a classmate of her choice and their teacher were escorted from school by B.G. himself and taken to dinner and a day on the town.

"B.G. is growing alot and understands the influence that he and his music have on youth worldwide. We are proud to see him at the forefront of initiatives of this type because he has come along way," shares aunt and co-ceo of Chopper City Records, Carol Dorsey.

B.G. has sold millions of records for his former label Cash Money Records and proudly boasts independent success with his album Life After Cash Money and his most recent release of The Heart of The Streets album, both in conjunction with Koch Records.
aquaria said:
,B. G. proudly presented The Daughters of the Promise Ministry with a $5,000 donation through his publicist ChiQuita Simms at a recent fundraising luncheon that was held at Pampy's Restaurant in New Orleans.
50,000 right? That's nice of him.
its linx! said:
Lately, you've been making a habit of coming in to threads and making stupid ass little comments which don't add anything to the discussion. I don't know if for some reason you're trying to get your post count higher or something, but it really is lame as fuck, man.

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