Az - A.W.O.L.


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1. So Sincere
2. Never Change
3. New York
4. Can't Stop
5. Still Alive
6. Az's Chillen
7. City Of Gods
8. Street Life
9. Bedtime Story
10. The Come Up
11. Envious
12. A.W.O.L.
13. Live Wire (Bonus Track)
14. Magic Hour (Bonus Track)
15. The Truth (Bonus Track)

It leaked either last night or this morning, does anyone have it? If so, what do you think about it? Personally, I think the album is great. A solid 4 out of 5 really. The beats are nice and Az's lyrical skills are great as always. It sucks his last album didn't do so great, but I like the fact that he threw the better tracks from that album onto this one as bonus tracks. Magic Hour has been a sick track and I could never get enough of it and I still can't.

Thoughts? :thumb:


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Staff member
I uploaded it for those that don't have it. All I ask is please don't be a dickhead and spread it around to everybody. I'm not sure how much bandwith the site has or whatever. I'll change the name of the directory and edit this post every once in a while to prevent people from downloaded on every forum online.

Holla @ me for a link.


New Member
az has to be the most underrated rapper of all time, well not underrated cuz all true hip hoppers know how sick AZ but he is one person who never gets a mention, imo i think he raises the bar on a lot of his tracks, the dude is definately worth the purchase of any his albums
off first listen i give it a 4-4.5 the only track i wasnt really feelin was envious but other than that its solid ill give it a few more listens i might like envious after a while

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