Audio Assistance

I've recently began to rip alot of my old mixtapes and such to my computer again, one of which was a compilation album I did in 2002 2003 titled Eminem Vs. (I've since changed the name but I'll get to that in a second.) When I worked on this 2 cd set I had compiled a large assortment of diss tracks from and towards eminem. Unfortunately when my harddrive went out last christmas I lost the information on these tracks. So basically what I'm looking for are track names of songs that were disses by other artists towards eminem. Specifically I need...

1 Dialated Peoples Diss that came out after Ear Drums Pop. (It was released as a solo track if I remember correctly, and caused for some band tension, as some members didn't want to justify em with a response, but one cat did, and released a real nice track as a result.)

1 Everlast Track that sounded more like a freestyle but was a fully wrote track. (Came out after the eminem diss I Remember, but before the eminem track Quitter/hitemup)

Basically, any help would be appreciated, and I'd be willing to up the album for anyone interested once the track listing has been corrected. Thanks to everyone in advance.

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