Attn Aspiring Writers/Producers

Writing is most definitely 1 of my passions, whether its songs 4 myself or 4 my man blacksmith (who u can trust will soon be comin up from the minny apple), poetry, thoughts or stories. i was wondering, what do other writers and producers do when u hit a mental block and everything comes out the same? lately ive been in a dark/introspective mood and everything i write tends to come out the same as the last and its bothering the shit out of me, so im curious what other people do 2 bring out more creativity in their work, and if anyone can provide examples and/or interviews of artists who have described their same problems that would be a bonus, but just any help would be appreciated

i know this is kind of a random thing to talk about, but i think its somethin that alot of us can relate to so id be interested to hear some real thoughts on this from u guys cuz i kno alot of u write and im sure u have gone thru this type of block as well

thanks alot :thumb:

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
There ain't no such thing as writer's block or whatever U wanna call it. Its all mental. U just need 2 get urself in YOUR in an environment where U feel most comfortable and Ull spew out shit like nothin.


Well-Known Member
If you feel writer's block your not in the right enviroment to begin with. I hate that term too, cus it's like your forcing yourself to write when it should come naturally. So if you feel like this get away from where your at for a moment, go find a place that is comfortable, like Limn said, find your zone. Maybe you sit down and say ok i have to write this song, you might think you can do it but it's obvious your mind is telling you otherwise, so you force yourself to spew out some half ass shit knowing damn well it could of been better if you just wrote when you felt like it. Write when you can not when you feel the need.
Aristotle said:
Write when you can not when you feel the need.
I think you mean the converse of this?

Write when you feel the need, not when time allows.

For instance I have found that 4am is a good time for me to write, I guess it is cause I am tired and letting my mind wonder without restictions.

some of my best stuff has come when I should be sleeping but jump out of bed to write.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think what he meant by "can" was write when you're in your zone and comfortable and shit comes out naturally and fluidly; rather than "feeling like U need to" write and forcing yourself to write some shit...and thats exactly what it is; shit.
Limn said:
I think what he meant by "can" was write when you're in your zone and comfortable and shit comes out naturally and fluidly; rather than "feeling like U need to" write and forcing yourself to write some shit...and thats exactly what it is; shit.
I know what he meant, but I think he phrased it awkwardly, I just think you should write when you FEEL the NEED. wanted to emphasize that.


New Member
I went threw this for months and months over this winter and I think my tracks suffered (both in quality and quantity) because I was pushing myself to do it. I stopped that and chilled out with my rhyming. I actually had doubts about whether or not to continue recording but realised that I love it too much. Thankfully I'm out of that now and I personally believe that I'm writing some of the best shit to ever come out of me. Which is a bitch as my PC is fucking up and won't let me record it.
try doing some LSD....always helps ppl be creative...

personally i cant stand lsd....but whenever i do ecstacy i always write HEAPS of shit...and its always way different from what id normally write...heres an example of some shit i wrote a while back on a pill:

4th Dimension

[keep that shit in the right forum]
kman_69 said:
try doing some LSD....always helps ppl be creative...

personally i cant stand lsd....but whenever i do ecstacy i always write HEAPS of shit...and its always way different from what id normally write...heres an example of some shit i wrote a while back on a pill:

4th Dimension

[keep that shit in the right forum]

um next please...


Well-Known Member
Hankaveli said:
I know what he meant, but I think he phrased it awkwardly, I just think you should write when you FEEL the NEED. wanted to emphasize that.
Limn knows what im saying, you do too probably. But writing when you feel the need is part of it, its not like your going to write if you dont want too. But dont force yourself to make something that will have no value. Cliche and all but being in your "zone" is really it, i can't explain it better than that.

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