Are You Synth Happy?


Well-Known Member
Mr. Collipark did his thing on David Banner's 'Play'. I fucks with that beat so hard, but I know it's one of them beats you either love of you hate.



Well-Known Member
That song sucks. How is the man behind Grey Skies taking cues from the Ying-Yang Twinz? "Intimate club music", rofl. It's borderline Talib Kweli, how embarrassing that joint is. "Like a Pimp" and "Crank it Up" shit all over this song.

And the video - hoes aside, "Workout Plan" is calling and is angry.

I bet he's going to do something stupid and make that joint with Jagged Edge his next single. Gag me.


Staff member
I love the way his edited version makes sense and corresponds to the video, while the uncensored version is downright nasty. Roaches, you didn't provide any proof as to why the song sucks. All you said was he's not being himself, and his video bites Kanye's.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I agree with roaches, although I wasn't a fan of any of his songs. But I also think Like A Pimp and Crank It Up shit all over this song. I can't stand this song, it's like another Whisper song.


Well-Known Member
Roaches, you didn't provide any proof as to why the song sucks.
Oh, I thought I was just offering my opinion about the song. Blatantly biting a recent hip-hop single to reproduce its success isn't enough to be wack anymore, though?

And even beyond that, I can't see how any man could be a fan of the song itself. That shit's made for women. I haven't been out in the spot lately, so I dunno if it provokes a level of dry humping not seen since the 7th grade dance, but even if that was the case, the thought of listening to

"Cum girl, I'm tryna get your pussy wet
Work that, lemme see you drip sweat
Cum girl, I'm tryna get your pussy wet
Work that, lemme see you drip sweat"

"You get it wet enough, I might lick it up
Lickey, lickey, lickey, like a peppermint swirl <------ HEIGHT OF LYRICISM, BTW
Lick that clit
Cum girl"

outside of that context is a little extra for me.


Staff member
roaches said:
Oh, I thought I was just offering my opinion about the song. Blatantly biting a recent hip-hop single to reproduce its success isn't enough to be wack anymore, though?
Of course not. Songs should be judged based on their listenability(made up word, probably). Only difference is, the artists should be criticized for biting, but if the song is listenable, it doesn't matter.

And even beyond that, I can't see how any man could be a fan of the song itself. That shit's made for women. I haven't been out in the spot lately, so I dunno if it provokes a level of dry humping not seen since the 7th grade dance, but even if that was the case, the thought of listening to

"Cum girl, I'm tryna get your pussy wet
Work that, lemme see you drip sweat
Cum girl, I'm tryna get your pussy wet
Work that, lemme see you drip sweat"

"You get it wet enough, I might lick it up
Lickey, lickey, lickey, like a peppermint swirl <------ HEIGHT OF LYRICISM, BTW
Lick that clit
Cum girl"

outside of that context is a little extra for me.
The song is entertaining and a banger in the clubs, which is all that matters nowadays, anyways. The song achieved it's purpose. On some objective criteria, the song can be considered wack, because the elements and the fun stuff would be analyzed.

The purpose of the song wasn't to show well-rounded lyricism, therefore the song does not fail.


Staff member
roaches said:
He's had it in for me lately, I dunno why. "I don't believe you" or "You didn't prove it" in regards to my opinion. Can't be mad, though, people will throw rocks at whoever sits on the throne.
I'm sorry if you believe so. I have nothing against you. I admire your posts. I'm just trying to make you work a little. :)


Well-Known Member
Haven't heard the song but after roaches' posts I'm not looking forward to the album as much.
Is the "Gangsta Walk" cut the one with the short ass Banner verse? Solo version was hot.

EDIT: Just went to his site and heard the song. What the fuck?

roaches said:
Blatantly biting a recent hip-hop single to reproduce its success isn't enough to be wack anymore, though?
It is. I even prefer the YYT's shit over that.

Ain't Got Nothing is dope though.

Kamikaze's on the album and in the Ain't Got Nothing video. A new Crooked Lettaz album would be nice but I'm probably just getting over excited.


Well-Known Member
"Gangsta Walk" is the full version.

The album isn't bad, but on several songs you can tell he's trying to appeal to everyone. It's almost NY rapperish.

I used to have this David Banner quote as my sig, "Remember when they used to say fuck R&B?", from when he was responding to east coast criticisms of southern rap. But now he has Case and Jagged Edge on his album.

It's worth a download - the highs are highs, but the lows are real lows.


Well-Known Member
roaches said:
"Gangsta Walk" is the full version.
My blend of the full version and solo is sexy.

After hearing "Play" and knowing Jagged Edge is on the CD I can imagine the product.

Is it better than MTA2 though?


Well-Known Member
The only songs on MTA2 I really liked were "Gots to Go" and "The Game" (and ugh at the singing on that), that shit was mad rushed.

It definitely is better than Certified. It actually is a pretty solid album - I expected more than solid, though. I've been disappointed in southern rap as a whole this year, though. The only joint that hasn't let me down is A Piece of Strange, which is probably the best album you'll hear this year, btw.
If somebody didn't say it was David Banner's shit I'd think it was an exact copy of The Whisper Song. What's with all these MCs whispering on tracks lately? Shit puts me to sleep.
think its a hot beat, i love how the shit sounds when he says "dont play with me dont play with me dont play with me" but apart from that the song sucks

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