AOL Top 11 Hip Hop Artists


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I didn't expect a good list, but damn. That's not too bad compared to the ones you see on other websites like that. I don't think Eminem should be on there, but the rest look good. The order is questionable of course though.


Well-Known Member
Besides the order and some of the picks, which is always debatable, this is one of the best list' i've seen done by a publication. Not because of who i like and what i want to see on it, but because it was them doin it, not what we think, they gave reason, each little bio was on point and they gave great reason, mad props.


New Member
Yes, they did 11 because Em had to make it in, right? That list is much better than I'd expect, but it's still weak, cut out Jay, Run-DMC and Em.

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