Anyone know where the fuck this beat comes from?


Well-Known Member
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Aight, i recently downloaded this shit and this track is pretty tight, but i could swear ive heard this beat before. Im almost sure of it, but i cant recall what beat it is. It's driving me fucking crazy, lol. I listened to the track like 20 times but to no avail. Ive got a hunch its a D12 beat or something similar from the aftermath camp.

regardless, this is the track:

and while its a download link please dont move this to the DL section, mods. no one there will answer the question prolly.


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Hm, yes, likely possibilty.

but i still cant get the idea outta my mind that Em or D12 or some aftermath dudes also used it. perhaps on 8 Mile soundtrack? i feel like im getting closer with that. i wanna know where the hip-hoppish beat comes from, not the original.
Duke said:
Hm, yes, likely possibilty.

but i still cant get the idea outta my mind that Em or D12 or some aftermath dudes also used it. perhaps on 8 Mile soundtrack? i feel like im getting closer with that. i wanna know where the hip-hoppish beat comes from, not the original.

I dunno I always thought Big and Puff were the 1st ones...I always call it the Big beat tho..Maybe its cuz in my opinion Big ripped that shit....
It wasn;t on the 8 mile soundtrack I think...And so many ppl have used that beat...

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Again, It's the beat from Puff Daddy's Victory on No Way Out.

They did some 10th anniversary album with Vicotry 2004 remix feat. Banks and 50.
saltynuts said:
Again, It's the beat from Puff Daddy's Victory on No Way Out.

They did some 10th anniversary album with Vicotry 2004 remix feat. Banks and 50.
Yeah yeah and they sampled parts from:

alone in the ring which can be found on the Rocky Soundtrack

Oh oh Salty High Five! :cool:


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saltynuts said:
Again, It's the beat from Puff Daddy's Victory on No Way Out.

They did some 10th anniversary album with Vicotry 2004 remix feat. Banks and 50.
I'm very willing to believe this but it doesnt fit with my idea that i heard it before multiple times. Regardless, ill try to find the track and see if thats what i meant. Otherwise i must've been confused.

yall know the feeling? you hear a beat and you KNOW, you just KNOW you heard it before by artist X or Y on album Z. then you find it out and it turns out to be something else entirely.

so unsatisfactory :(
Duke said:
I'm very willing to believe this but it doesnt fit with my idea that i heard it before multiple times. Regardless, ill try to find the track and see if thats what i meant. Otherwise i must've been confused.

yall know the feeling? you hear a beat and you KNOW, you just KNOW you heard it before by artist X or Y on album Z. then you find it out and it turns out to be something else entirely.

so unsatisfactory :(
It's been on thousands of mixtapes... ;)


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haunted said:
Eminem rapped on a beat that sounds similar to that. I think its on an official cd too, maybe eminem show?

YES! FInally someone who thinks the same. Might have been Em Show, im gonna check the disc right now to see if you're right.

if so you re my online hero forever, lmao

well, nope, its not Em SHow. But i thought as well i heard Em use the beat before.

ugh, this shits been on my mind all damn day now


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I don't know where you've heard it before but it's the Victory 2004 remix from the 10th Anniversary cd. Like someone said above.

Eminem has used it as a freestyle on a mixtape and it's been used by several acts on mixtapes. It was a very popular beat when the Victory remix dropped. I think G-Unit did about 4 different mixtape tracks over this beat. Back when G-Unit released a mixtape every week.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
hmm, that might all be true but its not where i thought i heard the beat from, haha.

im prolly confused and got it mixed up with somethin else.

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