Any reason my thread was closed?

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I think I found the reason

Salar to mack said:
Because you’re not funny even if you think you are, and having an entourage of 15 yr olds that follow u like a bad smell doesn’t mean you’re cool (in real life or on the net)
Somebody doesn't like me.


Well-Known Member
I think I found the reason

Somebody doesn't like me.

haha, trust you to play the victim. *oh the world hates me* , *oh the world is so bad to me* boo fucking hoo. where's the part that shows Salar hates you? the "entourage of 16 year olds"? damn, id hate to be called that, golly gosh how vulgar.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
You 2 obvious dislike each other. This isn't the place for arguing. I can't comment as I didn't close that thread, but this thread is closed.

I'm fed up with people arguing in the forum for admins, and offering their opinions based on what they think should happen. There are guidlines, read them.
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