All Rappers & Producers Check This Thread 16 bars show related& Napoleon related + 4u

Note:16 bars show will air June 19 on Pay Per view in NY.
By sending me your email or entering our mailling system you are not offically in the contest since the contest will be officially startted in 3 weeks this a chance to organazie your people to vote 4 u through the email system. I will keep you posted when the official contest starts.

Aighight this contest will officially kick off at the end of March but I am trying to give all my sohh cats a head start. As you know I am affiliated with the Outlawz camp and specifically former member Napoleon who is now involved with this TV show 16 bars a contest where the winner wins a contract and a million dollars. The contestants are set check

Now hea is where you come in in 3 weeks they will start a big ad campaign on radio, internet even TV to get new artists and producers to submit their work uplaod it online.

Anyone can enter and the winner will be selcted by fans and your work will be heard by various industry executves like Kevin Lilles. Trust me a lot of big dawgs are invovled with this project.

Now people will be voting for winners and anyone can vote, but the only way you can vote is if you are on the shows mailling list.
The current contestants on the show like Napoleon are developing email lists I am in charge of his email list. This is the link to sign up on our list
but we haven't fianalized it.

Now basically you cats get a chance to be on the show and if you got skills and make it to the final 64 of this open entry then people vote for you only people who are one of the artists mailling list like Napoleon.

I am giving cats a head chance to get on our mailling list and get all your people on it so if u make it to the final 64 u can get all your people to vote for you through the email list. Also you will be helping me and Napoleon by building our list if it is worth anything 2 u lol

Winner also flys to the show in New York the show will air June 19 on Pay Per View

You can email me at and I will add you to the official list

or you can enter our current list through which will be transfered to the shows mailling list immediatly when you sign up.

Again the way the contest works briefly You send them a beat or your rhyme they pick final 64 and then fans vote for one producer beat winner and one artist winner who fly to NY and be on the show. Only way peole vote is if their on the mailling list and that is where I come in with

We allreaddy have 1032 people on our list.

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