a complaint

so the other day i posted in the Outlawz - Everything Happenz For A Reason thread. i got a message saying i have to wait for my post to be approved by a moderator before it is displayed. i thought, strange, it was never like that before, but i visit other sites that are like that so no big deal. however my post never appeared. i didn't break any guidelines in the post, just made a couple comments about the Lawz always invoking Pac, so i'm wondering why it wasn't approved. i hope it wasn't just because someone didn't like my post, because we don't need to be censoring people's comments, especially when they are not breaking guidelines. so could i get an explanation on this? if it's just a case of no one got around to posting it, well that's fine, but if it was for that other reason that i stated earlier, i have a BIG problem with that.

edit: not really a complaint, more of a question i guess.


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Didnt even realize it was set to moderate replies, it shouldnt have been. Dont know how or why that happened so wasnt even checking the moderation que. Post is approved now.
ok, cool. i'm just glad it worked out, i didn't think it would be cool if you guys were picking and choosing posts and only putting up ones you like, but i'm glad to see that isn't the case. i've had trouble like this on other sites that were poorly moderated, so i was worried there. good to see it resolved :)

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