A Collaborative Streethop Blog

I don't know if this has been proposed or thought of before but I've been thinking about this and it can very beneficial to Streethop on a whole.

The two main benefits would be increased traffic and revenue. Traffic should be self-explainative, but if the blog is implemented correctly and successfully it would create more notice for Streethop. You would be indexed by Google, Yahoo, MSN, Technorati, and etc.

Revenue would be following that traffic. The blog would be able to bring in revenue by affiliate marketing and adsense. Even experiment with it. The revenue recieved, of course, would help keep the board running and such.

The key would be to have creative niche content to have a constant reader base. You create categories and people involved would write about a specific area so that everybody wouldn't be writing about the same thing. Making it diverse but not straying away from the niche.

This would most of all be different. Which like I said before, if implemented correctly, get noticed quickly.

A example of an collaborative blog would be here: http://www.younggogetter.com/blog/

It's a collaborative blog that I participate in, I write about non-traditional marketing while others fill in the gaps. Here is some info of the YGG blog that Streethop has the potential of:

We are being indexed by all major search engines and major blog search engines.
The blog started in early January, we ended the month with 2781 hits. Not bad for a beginning blog.
Because we were always putting down niche content we were in included in online news articles.

There is much more but this is what Streethop would be capable of. And it's just an idea. It would take less than 30 min to setup, create a .../blog and if its becoming successful get a domain name. The software I would prefer is wordpress with K2.

That is all.:thumb:


me, myself & us
thats one nice idea. would be a good thing for streethop. but hey colaborative as in the whole board posting in the blog? at the end that would end up in complete non sense


Staff member
^I think people would be appointed to write about something or propose to write about something and would be overseen by Rukas. Kind of the way magazines and newspapers go.
_carmi said:
thats one nice idea. would be a good thing for streethop. but hey colaborative as in the whole board posting in the blog? at the end that would end up in complete non sense
Hell no. Only a select few of creative writers, maybe no more than 5. It would have to be people who have an infinite amount of resources and knowledge on the hip-hop industry or whatever area they will be writing for. That way they can always throw something down.

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