50 gets letter from god - written by Rock Star

Brian 'Head' Welch Aims To Save 50 Cent
03.14.2005 3:53 PM EST

Ex-Korn guitarist calls new song 'a personal letter to 50 from God.'
Brian "Head" Welch (file)
Photo: MTV News

Since he left Korn last month to focus on Christianity, Brian "Head" Welch has delivered a sermon from the pulpit, traveled to Israel and been baptized in the Jordan River. Now he's turning his attention to saving souls — and he's decided to

"There is really no way [50] can come back at me through music because it's not from me ... it's from the Big Guy. Even 50 respects the Big Guy." — Head

start with 50 Cent.

On Friday, Welch e-mailed MTV News detailing his trip to Israel (see "Claiming 'God Told Me' Brian 'Head" Welch Is Baptized In Israel"), where he began working on solo material to be released under the moniker Head. One of the songs he discussed in detail was — as he described it — "a personal letter to 50 from God," which he may or may not release, depending on 50's reaction to it.

"The Big Guy speaks through me a lot when I write, and I have a song for 50 Cent I wrote in the Holy Land. I feel like it's a personal letter to 50 from God, so I'm going to give it to him personally and see what his reaction is," Welch wrote. "If it's a positive reaction and he's willing to talk to me, then I'm not gonna release it, but if the reaction is not positive, I'm going to share it with the world."

Welch said he doesn't fear retribution from 50; rather, he feels protected by the fact that he's merely acting as an emissary between God and the former Curtis Jackson.

"It's not a mean song, but it is like a loving father disciplining his son and telling him how it is — kind of like Tré's dad in the movie 'Boyz N the Hood,' " Welch continued. "There is really no way he can come back at me through music because it's not from me ... it's from the Big Guy. Even 50 respects the Big Guy."

50 Cent's spokesperson at Interscope Records had no comment on the songs.

One guy Welch might have a little beef with is his former bandmate, Jonathan Davis. Last weekend, Davis posted a statement on his blog, criticizing Welch for his "false crusade." In another e-mail, Welch responded to Davis, saying he still loves his Korn brethren, but that he was beginning to bristle at those who doubt the sincerity of his transformation.

"Sorry Jonathan, my 'false crusade' was not the reason I left Korn, it was what saved my life," Welch wrote. "I still love those guys to death, but if anybody trashes God, I am human and will defend Him and myself by any means necessary."

Welch's solo CD is close to being completed, and he adds that he's just finished one instrumental track called "A Letter to Dimebag," which he wrote in tribute to the late guitar legend.

"It's a guitar-solo instrumental," he explained. "I wrote it for Dimebag because he always used to tell Munky and I to put guitar solos in Korn's music."

At press time, there was no release date for Welch's solo album, nor had he signed on with a label to distribute the record.
LOL that shit is hillarious...

either Head has lost his mind.....or he got the idea to make christian music to make money from that south park episode where cartman makes millions :p
man i loved this group bad throught my high school still listen to their old school shit but when i heard about "head" being baptized 3 weeks ago i was shocked and really laughed about it these bad boys gone holy and shit dont make sense to me....

this god told me thing is getting overrated now every person claims God makes em do it, notice those serial killers say the same....

i know theres a big difference between head and them killers but the concept god speaks to them to do this is always used...its gotten annoying now.
This shit is just unbelieveable. I used to be a big fan of KoRn and i still have much respect for them to this day.... but this whole thing just seems so wierd. This is the very last thing that i would ever picture a member of KoRn doing, ecspecially because jonathan davis has some of the most brutal, sickest (not in a good way) songs ever created by a well-known band.
But 50 will not even listen to this guy now, the first reason is he comes off as a nut case. He might not be a nut case, but damn he sure has the symptomes of one. 50 does not care what this guy says and to say that he wrote a song with God or something of that nature is just ludacrist.
But I am not going to hate on him because i dont know him personally and shit, just as long as his decision makes him happy, isn't that the only thing that matters?

jerzeymobfan said:
man that fucker just wanna get attention..what a dumb fucker..
man u cant even say that shit because he was getting tons more attention with KoRn. If he goes and gives his life to God he will become just blip on the map.

KoRn gave him the most attention he will ever recieve in the full coarse of his life. He did that shit because he wanted to do it. You cant knock a man for that. It takes a lot of balls to leave KoRn, which has millions of fans worldwide, and go and pursue his religious experince.

and plus after a few weeks the public will be sick of him, think hes crazy, and he will fall the face of the earth. All the attention will be on the new musician that takes his spot.


Well-Known Member
"It's not a mean song, but it is like a loving father disciplining his son and telling him how it is — kind of like Tre's dad in the movie 'Boyz N the Hood"
I hope this guy isnt expecting a good reaction.. haha
This is hypocritical because when DMX dedicates one song toward jesus at the end of a cd full of murder sex and drugs ya'll call him deep. Kenye west had jesus walking and it was cool so what if Head is really trying to reach out to fiddy? If fiddy went christian and got saved Id respect him more due to the fact its few and far between to step out and make a main stream claim to jesus. It might not be what you think, but then again if this guy is reaching out to 5-0 imagine what it could be saying from his prospective. i dont even think they know each other so if any of it hits home you 'd have to question whats going on there.
fields316_2000 said:
This is hypocritical because when DMX dedicates one song toward jesus at the end of a cd full of murder sex and drugs ya'll call him deep. Kenye west had jesus walking and it was cool so what if Head is really trying to reach out to fiddy? If fiddy went christian and got saved Id respect him more due to the fact its few and far between to step out and make a main stream claim to jesus. It might not be what you think, but then again if this guy is reaching out to 5-0 imagine what it could be saying from his prospective. i dont even think they know each other so if any of it hits home you 'd have to question whats going on there.
First off head doesnt even know 50. Head doesnt even know who 50 cent is and he porb dont know his real name.

Plus, there are many different sides to a person. Everyone goes through different things in their lives and has different experiences which make them the person the are right now. It is obivious that the majority of rappers are hypicrites in your eyes. But most of them have a choice. They didnt have a choice to be born in heartache, poverty, only one parent etc. Everyone is a hypocrite at one point in time and u r not human if u r not.

Now i know i am a hypocrite on a weekly bases shit maybe even daily basis if you really wanna analyze shit.

Head doesnt even have the right to push his beliefs on 50 because he doesnt evenknow the motherfucker. How the fuck can you give someone a life solution if you dont even know them? All he knows is the 50 he sees on TV he doenst know what 50 has been through, or any personal experiences he has been through. So how in the fuck would he know the solution?
Doesn't hurt to try because clearly 50 isn't doing any good right now. He's fucking up soceity with his music, having little kids running around yelling G-Unit and saying "What up gangsta". Obviously it won't work, but I hope it does. 50 needs to get his head straight and I can't be mad at anyone that offers the man advice.

Good points made by fields316_2000 too.
fields316_2000 said:
This is hypocritical because when DMX dedicates one song toward jesus at the end of a cd full of murder sex and drugs ya'll call him deep. Kenye west had jesus walking and it was cool so what if Head is really trying to reach out to fiddy? If fiddy went christian and got saved Id respect him more due to the fact its few and far between to step out and make a main stream claim to jesus. It might not be what you think, but then again if this guy is reaching out to 5-0 imagine what it could be saying from his prospective. i dont even think they know each other so if any of it hits home you 'd have to question whats going on there.

ok granted but is DMX or Kanye saying that god is speaking through their songs? ....... no this Korn dude is just a fucking nut.
fields316_2000 said:
"The Big Guy speaks through me a lot when I write, and I have a song for 50 Cent I wrote in the Holy Land. I feel like it's a personal letter to 50 from God, so I'm going to give it to him personally and see what his reaction is," Welch wrote. "If it's a positive reaction and he's willing to talk to me, then I'm not gonna release it, but if the reaction is not positive, I'm going to share it with the world."
I wouldn't be suprised if he ended up sharing it with a world. But I don't think 50 is as touchy and hostile as we think he is. I think his reaction to this guy will be positive, and even if he does, it ain't gonna change 50.
re read my post and slap yourself. I said the same thing you did about head not knowing 50. Dont put words in my mouth- i never said rappers are hypocrites, im refering to those that would judge 50 for going christian. DMX says in one song he'll string someones guts out like spagetti, then right after talk about he's ready to meet jesus.
If you really listen to 50 talk about spirituality and how 'death is in the tounge' 50 sounds as if he has roots in church but shyed away from it-backsliding if you will.
he wrote foot prints in the sand.
makes reference to praying at night with his gun in his hand.
pay attention to what 50 is about beyond the beef and running his mouth. he's a hustler and chances are if he was as spiritual as DMX or kanye he wouldnt do a record on it if it wont sell..

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