2pacboard is fucked up

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saltynuts said:
is bullshitting about having a son and lying about being 68 your idea of sharing ideas?
wheres ur proof i didnt have a son and named him tupac shakur. where's your proof i am not 68. you are just making assumptions. i posted i had named my son tupac in the life section bcuz it has something to do with 2pac, his name. i dont see anything wrong. its not like i was spamming the board with these.

jaimie.uk fan

thug9021 said:
this isnt a community where ppl share ideas and info, this is a wrestling ring where everyone thinks they are the best
Thats true - there is a lot of ego around here !!!! if you have a few posts next to your name or are " friends " with the so called ogs then you have the arrogance to match - im here to learn and have a bit of fun , not build some keyboard rep and spend all my life here - anyone offended maybe the cap fits eh ??? ;)


New Member
thug9021 said:
this isnt a community where ppl share ideas and info, this is a wrestling ring where everyone thinks they are the best
Then why did you come back after you were banned? Why dont you leave?
*Takes Beverlyhills thug by the neck and carries out a Marvelous German Suplex #CrUnCh# "the croud goes wild!" then I proceed to pin him for 3*

Yes Im the best!
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