21 year old Houston rap artist fired from his job

source: www.cnn.com

Houston rapper fired as baggage screener
HOUSTON (AP) — When Bassam Khalaf raps, he's the Arabic Assassin. His unreleased CD, "Terror Alert," includes rhymes about flying a plane into a building and descriptions of himself as a "crazy, suicidal Arabic ... equipped with bombs."
Until last week, Khalaf also worked as a baggage screener at George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

"I've been screening your bags for the past six months, and you don't even know it," said Khalaf, who also said Thursday that he is not really a terrorist and that his rhymes are exaggerations meant to gain publicity.

Andrea McCauley, a spokeswoman for the regional Transportation Security Administration office in Dallas, said the agency checks criminal records before hiring screeners, but it does not investigate what people do in their spare time.

"We have eyes and ears in the workplace," McCauley said. "Once we discovered these Web sites, we fired him."

An Internet search of Khalaf's name brings up Web sites that feature his obscene, violent and misogynistic raps that threaten to fly a plane into a building on Sept. 11, 2005.

Khalaf, 21, was hired on Jan. 16 and fired July 7, according to a TSA termination letter that cited his "authorship of songs which applaud the efforts of the terrorists on September 11th, encourage and warn of future acts of terrorism by you, discuss at length and in grave and alarming detail various criminal acts you intend to commit, state your belief that the U.S. government should be overthrown, and finally warn that others will die on September 11, 2005."

Khalaf, who was born in Houston and is of Palestinian descent, said working as a baggage screener was the best paying job he's ever had. He said he hoped to use any extra money he earned to produce his CD.

"I kept my music and my job separate. I told a couple of people who I thought was cool with me at work that I rapped, but I never sat there and told them lyrics or anything," said Khalaf. "I guess somebody probably told them that I had a Web site."

Khalaf said his terrorist-themed rhymes are more about marketing. He called his songs art and pointed to other rappers who have rhymed about terrorism. He specifically cites Eminem's song, "My Dad's Gone Crazy," which discusses blowing everything on the map up except Afghanistan and says: "There's no tower too high, no plane that I can't learn how to fly."

"Controversy sells," Khalaf said. "It brings a lot of attention. Everybody wants to label all Arabics terrorists just because a couple of people messed up. Well, I'm going to play along with that character. I'm going to let you think I'm one


Staff member
pdxmuthaphucka said:
Everybody wants to label all Arabics terrorists just because a couple of people messed up. Well, I'm going to play along with that character. I'm going to let you think I'm one
Well, they thought you were one. Now, hit up McDonalds.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Not to be racist, but hes a dumbass for the following reasons: 1) Hes in America, 2) Hes Arabic, 3) Hes young, 4) He raps, 5) He works @ an airport, 6) He raps about flying planes into airports and blowing them up

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
Limn said:
Not to be racist, but hes a dumbass for the following reasons: 1) Hes in America, 2) Hes Arabic, 3) Hes young, 4) He raps, 5) He works @ an airport, 6) He raps about flying planes into airports and blowing them up


Active Member
Limn said:
Not to be racist, but hes a dumbass for the following reasons: 1) Hes in America, 2) Hes Arabic, 3) Hes young, 4) He raps, 5) He works @ an airport, 6) He raps about flying planes into airports and blowing them up
i agree 100%. he shouldnt do it, especially when hes arabic. because the government would have your head for that
S O F I S T I K said:
Well, they thought you were one. Now, hit up McDonalds.

lol yeah for real, I am all for Feedom of speach and shit but he had to expect this to come back to him!

maybe he is real smart and knew getting the Baggage job would get his name out there!
whats the difference between his raps and the raps of alot of rappers out now. They all talk about killing people and blowing shit up. This is fuckin racism at its finest.People tend to think of it differently because he's an arab.
bigmack said:
whats the difference between his raps and the raps of alot of rappers out now. They all talk about killing people and blowing shit up. This is fuckin racism at its finest.People tend to think of it differently because he's an arab.
Naw man, I don't think this is Racism.

if he was just a Rapper talking about typical shit it would be fucked up. but dude is advocateing Terrosim, and even fluanting that he has a security position.

I am all against the Patriot act and all that shit, but even without it this dude should not have his job.
Hankaveli said:
Naw man, I don't think this is Racism.

if he was just a Rapper talking about typical shit it would be fucked up. but dude is advocateing Terrosim, and even fluanting that he has a security position.

I am all against the Patriot act and all that shit, but even without it this dude should not have his job.
talking about flying planes into buildings is different than talking about blowing somebody's fuckin head off.? Its the same fuckin thing.You are still talking about killing somebody.Use your head
bigmack said:
talking about flying planes into buildings is different than talking about blowing somebody's fuckin head off.? Its the same fuckin thing.You are still talking about killing somebody.Use your head
in a sense it is the same thing,

but peep from this perspective.

Say there was a rapper named "The Anal C.O." who raps about Rapeing "Fresh Fish" in Prison and there ain't shit no one can do about it.

then we find out this rapper really works at a prison, don't you think it would be best to remove him from his position?

in all honesty this dude has some balls and is lucky he dose not get in more shit cause of the patriot act. he must be pretty clean.

But come on man use ya head, do you want to fly on plane that is inspectid by a disguntaled Muslim?

maybe he would never plant a bomb but maybe he is sympathetic enough to let something slide!

better safe then sorry.

and to call this rasicm takes a shit on real Race relation issues that happen every day.
Hankaveli said:
in a sense it is the same thing,

but peep from this perspective.

Say there was a rapper named "The Anal C.O." who raps about Rapeing "Fresh Fish" in Prison and there ain't shit no one can do about it.

then we find out this rapper really works at a prison, don't you think it would be best to remove him from his position?

in all honesty this dude has some balls and is lucky he dose not get in more shit cause of the patriot act. he must be pretty clean.

But come on man use ya head, do you want to fly on plane that is inspectid by a disguntaled Muslim?

maybe he would never plant a bomb but maybe he is sympathetic enough to let something slide!

better safe then sorry.

and to call this rasicm takes a shit on real Race relation issues that happen every day.
So if you're a rapper and talk about killing people, you cant work anywhere?Lets say a rapper who talks about murdering got a job somewhere.Whats stopping him from pulling out a gun and shooting somebody.

rap is just what it is,rap.it doesnt have to be truth.being fired because of a rap doesnt make sense.the guy never did nothing wrong.This is racism.People are just using excuses.

what ever happened to freedom of speech? fuck the patriot act.americans are too paranoid. you got bush to thank. him and his daddy make all these enemies,then get served.He sits in a classroom reading a book to little kids while his country is being blown to pieces,then makes excuses blaming everybody.Sends 18 year olds to fight his worthless piece of shit war so he can make some money.

i have to clean shave and change my hair color before i go to the fuckin bank to take out money,or else im quetioned for a hour just to take out a few hundred dollars.
bigmack said:
So if you're a rapper and talk about killing people, you cant work anywhere?Lets say a rapper who talks about murdering got a job somewhere.Whats stopping him from pulling out a gun and shooting somebody.
I won't go as far as calling you a idiot, simply cause I have fought a loseing battle before because i was so emotionaly attached to a argument.

But dude it is fucking common sense!

you can't take that risk, just think what if this dude did one day say "Shit no one is buying my CD, hmmm maybe I should do some crazy shit to get plublicity"(since he has admited that is why he has gone this far) and blows up a plane or something.

just think how bad the people that knew about this CD would look.

take a step back and take a look at the situation without Emotion.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
How can U even call racism on this? I swear people R so quick to pull that card sometimes. Dude was an idiot and knew what he was doing would get him attention, thats why he did it - this isnt racism, this is a dumbass getting what he deserved [and actually got lucky].
the US is just mad because it pisses them off about hearing how they got owned (no offence)

they act like it but they are not ready for terrorist attacks and you cant blame them because neither is any country. the US should start focusing all of their attention on the real fucking problem. not some kid writing raps. what are they going to do? call the CIA on the guy? he cant even be a terrorist because a terrorist would keep that shit on the low, he wouldnt make a fucking webiste.the US needs to chill and stop wasting resources.
Actually it was the airports decision. They fired him. The CIA didnt come for him, aint like the governments wasting their time with him. so dont exaggerate the situation. He got fired from the airport for makin songs about crashin planes and "i been handling your bags". They had every right to fire him. Even if a white guy workin there made songs like that and they found out, he'd get fired as well. Same thing woulda happened if he worked at a pizza place and rapped about puttin rat poison in your pizza or sumthin.

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