Keep in mind, most of us were sheep for buying into the Android propaganda you spewed on this forum. So being a sheep is not necessarily a bad thing. Fanboyism and failure to recognize the shortcomings of Android, however, is.
Who exactly is "most of us"? Do you seriously think all the people who bought Android on this forum did so purely because of me? Because you're giving me a little too much credit if that's the case. I'm sure I helped some people along with their decision, but I doubt anyone here went with Android solely because of me. As for "propaganda" you need to look up the meaning of the word. I don't have any ulterior motives, it literally makes no difference to my life whether anyone either on this forum or anywhere on the planet gets an Android device.
I enjoy the OS and believe it's the best OS available, and can back up that statement in multiple ways. That's it.
Now - since you're so concerned about the "shortcomings of Android" - let's hear what you have to say. And don't just pull some vague statements out of your ass and not back them up, like you have been doing.
But why stuff like the Eris? All those low-end devices. It pollutes the gene pool of Android. If all phones were like the Nexus One, EVO, Droid X, etc., I could take it more seriously. But what good are all the features of Android when a low-end phone can't run it?
How EXACTLY does it pollute anything? Not everyone can afford, or needs, a high end smartphone.
Case in point - up until just a few weeks ago, you could still buy computers running Windows XP. Go to some electronics stores and you'll still see some on display.
Windows XP is 10 years old. There have been 2 major OS releases since then. Yet, there's still demand for XP. I still run XP on my desktop. Is that "polluting the gene pool of Windows"?