Technology Android


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one has a blackberry and i dont know what the other one has. they just came up with it after saying i promote android too much lol.

oh, btw did i mention at work, i educated everyone about android. now they have several android options in the back of their minds as opposed to just selecting the iphone or n97 as their next smartphone.

i gave my manager and another colleague a whole list of other android phones. that'll make them reconsider.

it was annoying because all i could hear was iphone iphone iphone on the other side of the office. and people with iphones who think they are happy, just became disappointed in their beloved device.


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fuck an iphone.

and Sandroid is an awesome name.

btw Masta, there is a default Android UI, it's the standard Android interface that comes on the G1, MyTouch, MotoDroid to name a few. Basically there's three tiers of Android:

1. "Google Experience". These are the Android devices that Google themselves are the most heavily invested in. Examples would be the G1 and MotoDroid. These have the default Android UI and the silkscreened "With Google" branding on the back of the hardware. These are created in partnership with Google, the handset manufacturer and sometimes the carrier as well (ie the MotoDroid had input from Google, Motorola and Verizon).

2. Manufacturer customised. These would be things like the HTC Hero (which has the HTC Sense UI), the Motorola DEXT/CLIQ (has the MotoBlur UI) and the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 (Rachael/NEXUS UI). These phones might have cool interfaces but I personally don't like them as much for two reasons - one is that I like a minimal OS from scratch where I can build it up myself to how I want it, and 2) they won't get updated as fast as "Google Experience" handsets. For example, the HTC Sense UI won't get a 2.0 upgrade till early 2010, the SE X10 isn't shipping till February and that will still be running Android 1.5 underneath the hood. Basically these companies are using the Open Source Android code, modifying it, and then licensing the Google Apps such as GTalk, Google Maps, YouTube etc to include them. Another problem with these is that the custom stuff that the vendors add usually isn't open source, so doesn't fit into the ethos of Android as a whole.

3. Basic low-end Android install. Because any company can download the Android code and build products with it without even notifying Google, there's random hardware popping up running bare bones Android without any Google Apps. Any hardware vendor worth it's salt will go for option 1 or 2, but there'll be random devices popping up running Android, particularly in places like China and Japan.
Nerds will never undestand Apple because they only look at technical capabilities.

When people say the iPhone has the best UI for them, it's like the nerds don't even process the information. I don't care if my processor is slightly slower than yours, but using my phone makes me feel better and happier because it's convenient and sleek and I just fucking like it more.

I have a G1 by the way, I'm speaking for iPhone users though.

It's similar with macs. I've had a mac for about 6 months now and I'm still in love with it like the first day I bought it. I never had that feeling with a PC laptop and I had like 3 of them before this laptop. The uninstalling is so easy, not having to worry about viruses and anti-virus updates is so relieving, and everything is so sleek and looks awesome and I just like to set it down on my table and go to the other side of the room and just stare at the fucking apple that's lit up when I have the light all the way up. I like swiping the mousepad with four fingers and having all the windows come up. I like swiping up and having it all disappear and I don't care if windows 7 has it NOW. I like how programs and browsers look nice on a mac.
Nice post SOFI.

Android is perfect for the geek. iPhone is perfect for everyone else.

The Mac Vs PC debate is a non issue. Windows has been in catch up mode since Vista was released.
Obviously Windows 7 is far superior for a casual home user.
There are too many things you still can't do with Mac OSX (you can emulate but that doesn't count) plus right now with so many open source Unix systems getting a Mac is pointless unless you're a pro with graphics, audio, video editing or you're a fanboy/die hard fan of Mac's user interface.
So yeah, it's barely debatable, I agree that it's a matter of preference but saying that Mac is better than the best Windows system by far (even by the simple logic that Microsoft has a firm, stable grip on a huge majority of market right now) is just wrong.
I study at the IT school, all of my friends have laptops and we have free software. Most of us have tried Mac OS but only about 10% of people haven't deleted them (either because it couldn't do a lot of things they needed to do or simply because they didn't like it) so saying that people who dislike Macs are those who didn't use them is wrong. I would agree that there's a group of Windows fanboys or Mac haters just becase they find it cool to hate it but it's a minority.

Also, Android vs Mac OS on Iphones is not debatable at all as there's nothing to debate there. You can say that you like Iphone's user interface but the operating system itself has basically no advantages over Android. And I mean it - there's not even a single one probably while Android is really the shit right now.
I think the reason Iphones are still popular is because of the reason you pointed out in the earlier part about Macs but it works the other way around - people think Iphones are great because they didn't use Android and don't know how superior they are and how many more possibilities/advantages they offer.
Also, there are more people who think that it's cool to have Macs just for the fuck of it than those who hate on them for the same no-reason.

About MJ and Prince that's probably debatable but it's not my field of expertise.
Lol, Id love to hear you explain how Windows 7 is better for a casual user.

Mac OSX 10.6 is far superior to Windows 7 for the casual user.

-Applications out of the box (iLife suite of software for creating photos (iPhoto),movies (iMovie), music (Garageband) ,websites (iWeb) ,DVDs (iDVD). This quality of software for Windows would cost at least a couple hundred dollars, with mac you get it free.

-Best and easiest to use user interface of any OS

-Extremely fast boot times

-Excellent power management in OS X. When I close the lid to my MacBook Pro, it falls asleep. When I open the lid to my MacBook Pro, it wakes up. Imagine that! Seems to be the case 99% of the time, and it happens quickly.

-Apple uses good quality parts.

-No viruses

-Doesn't slow down over time

-There’s more interesting, useful, beautiful, and affordable software being developed for OS X. If you still believe that there’s no software for “the Mac,” you’re simply a fool who hasn’t done his or her research.

-OS X + Windows is better than just Windows. run windows through Bootcamp (if all else fails)

-Easier to troubleshoot Macs.

The number one reason why they are used often in professions like audio video and graphics is because they first and foremost are RELIABLE, Windows are not. I think every user would want that in a computer.


Staff member
Why not buy the LG Arena for example? Almost the same UI + decent 3d acceleration with effects, higher res capacitive screen, better 5mpx autofocus camera with Schneider-Kreuznach optics and dual-led flash, better looks and it's smaller + much cheaper.
I've never heard of that phone. I don't think it's even offered here.

You know that I can't comprehend the Iphone hype :)
No matter how I want to look at it, no matter what you really want from your phone there are better solutions that are not that overpriced at the same time.
The thing with the US is that for the most part, you're stuck with a carrier and your option is to only get phones that are available with your carrier. Unlocked phones are just too damn expensive and canceling contracts is too. For example, I want a Droid but I CAN'T have it NOW. With Europeans, that is not an issue. They choose the phone they want, most of the time, without a significant hassle although they do have to pay for the unlocked phones but they don't have a different option. Although I've noticed with Casey that the UK is similar with the US in the "contract will own you" regard.

About the second part if I only understood why Apple products cause bigger erection amongst some guys than fe. Microsoft or Google products that for me don't look any worse I could reply directly, but it's also something I cannot understand.
You can't because you go to school with geeks who've been brainwashed with free microsoft products since the day they stepped into the technical school and because you're surrounded by the "foreign technical mindset" which is that things are only better if they are "technically" performing better. Eastern/Central European mindset.

You can make your Windows desktop look beautiful too and I think that a customized "7" looks better than the latest Mac?
Since Vista, Windows has been copying "widgets" and trying to make Windows look more like Mac OSX because the XP and before that system just looked so plain.

Also, to go back to what 3en said. Mac OSX is designed to be EASIER TO USE for people who aren't so computer-savvy therefore your casual user argument is out the window lol.


Well-Known Member
I had widgets on XP years back. Mac just came with it for "free", even though I had it for free too. 3en or whatever said you get all these "free" apps that come with a Mac, which is true, but you pay for it, cus everybody knows how overpriced Macs are. Plus you get those apps with Windows anyway. I just think people like Macs cus it is a trend, no denying it. They are easy to use, even though Windows is just as easy, and in some cases easier, but that goes both ways to tell the truth. Ehhh pretty much you have to chalk up Apple's success to it's marketing, not it's product, and that's the god damn truth.


Staff member
lol the only people who say that you can have a sustainable business model and a successful product for 20+ years based off of marketing and not product quality are the people who never studied marketing at all.

The first mac commercial came in like '84. "Think different", it said.

25 years is not a trend, my friend.

oh shit, me rhymed.


Well-Known Member
lol the only people who say that you can have a sustainable business model and a successful product for 20+ years based off of marketing and not product quality are the people who never studied marketing at all.

The first mac commercial came in like '84. "Think different", it said.

25 years is not a trend, my friend.

oh shit, me rhymed.
No doubt they make a quality product that has had longevity but I'm really making that remark towards it's latest growth of the past couple years. It's like people just now discovered mac's ya know.


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Mac OSX 10.6 is far superior to Windows 7 for the casual user.
Which explains why the vast majority of people are using Windows :?

-Applications out of the box (iLife suite of software for creating photos (iPhoto),movies (iMovie), music (Garageband) ,websites (iWeb) ,DVDs (iDVD). This quality of software for Windows would cost at least a couple hundred dollars, with mac you get it free.
Most of that stuff is either integrated with Windows or available as freeware and software selection for Windows is way bigger.
Games and various professional software will also not run on Mac and if it does it doesn't work as good as on Windows.

There's no Mac port of one of the most popular programming environments, same with Project Management tools and Database engineering tools. And that's just what I and my classmates couldn't run during the last semester. I think most casual people actually use their computers for work or games. Mac doesn't give them the possibilities Windows has. It's not even close and can't be a substitute for Windows in these cases.

-Best and easiest to use user interface of any OS
According to you and people who think it suits them more? I don't find it any better than in Windows 7.

-Extremely fast boot times
Extremely? Seriously? Most Macbooks after some time of use take 30-50 seconds to boot which is sometimes longer than Windows 7 on the same machine which also shoots down that point:

-Doesn't slow down over time
Windows 7 has totally redesigned registry and memory management so you can install shitloads of programs and it won't slow your pc much. Macs do slow down over time.

-Excellent power management in OS X. When I close the lid to my MacBook Pro, it falls asleep. When I open the lid to my MacBook Pro, it wakes up. Imagine that! Seems to be the case 99% of the time, and it happens quickly.
Guess what? Almost every operating system does that.
Windows Vista/7 even separates "sleep" from "hibernation". First one keeps everything in ram while hibernation copies ram's content to a temporary file on your hdd which means it doesn't need any energy.
I guess you have really little experience with Windows.

-Apple uses good quality parts.
"parts" are not a part of any operating system.
I use way better parts when I build my PC and it costs me probably about 1/5 of what would an Apple's PC with similar/worse specs cost me.

-No viruses
There are viruses for Mac.
If you're smart with your system you'll get no viruses for Windows.
I have never had a single problem caused by a virus.

-There’s more interesting, useful, beautiful, and affordable software being developed for OS X. If you still believe that there’s no software for “the Mac,” you’re simply a fool who hasn’t done his or her research.
I have never said that there's no software for Mac. It's just that you can't compare that to the amount of software available for Windows.
There are some huge and important programs that aren't available for Mac. There are too many things you either can't do with Mac or you can do but way worse.

-OS X + Windows is better than just Windows. run windows through Bootcamp (if all else fails)

-Easier to troubleshoot Macs.
Are you really serious with that statement?
There are things you have to manually configure for hours that are auto-installed on Windows.
Also, these days it's easy to troubleshoot any system if you know how - It's easier to troubleshoot Macs if you work on Macs but most technical things on Mac take more time.

The number one reason why they are used often in professions like audio video and graphics is because they first and foremost are RELIABLE, Windows are not. I think every user would want that in a computer.

No, it's not the main reason. They are simply made to do this. People editing graphics, music etc simply use Macs because it's easier to do these particular things on a Mac. And in my opinion this is the main advantage of Macs.

I have no idea where do you take that info from but none of these points is valid.
I think you don't have much experience with latest Windows systems.


Sofi said:
I've never heard of that phone. I don't think it's even offered here.
Here it's pretty popular but then again, the US is more about smartphones while Europe and Asia are more about non-OS phones with greater specs.

The thing with the US is that for the most part, you're stuck with a carrier and your option is to only get phones that are available with your carrier. Unlocked phones are just too damn expensive and canceling contracts is too. For example, I want a Droid but I CAN'T have it NOW. With Europeans, that is not an issue. They choose the phone they want, most of the time, without a significant hassle although they do have to pay for the unlocked phones but they don't have a different option. Although I've noticed with Casey that the UK is similar with the US in the "contract will own you" regard.
I'm aware of that. Here unlocked phones are way more expensive and still it's usually better to buy them than a phone coming with your contract which either sucks or is unbelievably expensive (way more expensive than phones from Ebay for example). That's why I don't have an Android phone yet. I like them but I don't feel like paying that much to have it.

You can't because you go to school with geeks who've been brainwashed with free microsoft products since the day they stepped into the technical school and because you're surrounded by the "foreign technical mindset" which is that things are only better if they are "technically" performing better. Eastern/Central European mindset.
Things that are meant to perform better are certainly better because they perform better, not because someone thinks that they look cooler or something. You don't have sex with your computer, you actually use it for work, entertainment - it's made to give you possibilities so you can install whatever you want to. How much time do you spend staring at your desktop and admiring fancy icons?

If seriously looks is that important for things that are meant to be tools I'm happy about my mindset.

A lot of people in my school don't even use that free software. They either already had Windows systems or are Linux geeks. Open source Linux is way, waay more popular here than Mac. And technically most editions are also superior to Mac by 3en's standards for example :cool:
We also had deals with Mac and Adobe so you can get their software for really cheap.

And then we also have New Media Studies, cultural studies and business ones and a few others so my university is not nerdy :p Right now I'm doing both - IT and Business and have friends from other courses as well - especially New Media Studies since I study Japanese with them. I was not speaking for total geeks in my earlier posts.

Since Vista, Windows has been copying "widgets" and trying to make Windows look more like Mac OSX because the XP and before that system just looked so plain.
XP was released in 2001. Do you remember how Mac systems used to look back then?
Cheetah was a direct competitor and it looked like some amateur open source linux.
I don't think Windows copies more things from Mac than it works another way around.


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Most Mac users are self-important entitled rich kid students living off trust funds.

For the record, I make more than enough money to buy a Mac, so that remark does not come from a place of jealousy, clearly. But because I'm self made and not living off someone else's cash I know that in the real world, it doesn't make any kind of fucking sense to spend twice as much money on a half-as-powerful computer with a lesser range of software.

I've used Mac's regularly and am intimately familiar with OSX just as much as I am with Windows, and there isn't a SINGLE app on the Mac that is better than anything I have on my system that's running Windows.

There was a time when I used iTunes, but then I found a better program (MediaMonkey Gold, which does everything iTunes does and more), and if you happen to love Apple's UI, you can skin it to look like iTunes, or anything else you want.

Here's something that happened recently that made me LOL and made sense given my understanding of Apple as a company that highly favors image over functionality.

An attractive female friend of mine was having problems with a particular website. She knows nothing about computers. Like, almost literally nothing. She asked for my help with solving her problem. It was to do with a certain website, so naturally, first question I asked "What browser are you using?"..........her response? "Virgin Media".

LMAO. Virgin Media is an ISP/cable company. Of course, I knew she had to be using Safari since it was a Mac. I sorted her out with the Firefox browser and the website she wanted to use magically began to work.

Anyway, I spoke to her last week, and she told me she had a new job. I asked her what it was. She's now working at the Apple Store. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. She could probably tell her customers that they could fix their optical drive by inserting a piece of bread and they'd believe her.
Which explains why the vast majority of people are using Windows :?
Windows PCs are cheaper? Most use them at work and know nothing else?

More people use iPhone OS than Android does that make it better?.. Oh wait it is better :lol:

Most of that stuff is either integrated with Windows or available as freeware and software selection for Windows is way bigger.
Games and various professional software will also not run on Mac and if it does it doesn't work as good as on Windows.
The iLife suite of apps on Mac is amazing and free. Windows comes with nothing close out of the box. Dont try to argue this point.

Extremely? Seriously? Most Macbooks after some time of use take 30-50 seconds to boot which is sometimes longer than Windows 7 on the same machine which also shoots down that point:

See OSX faster, Windows better for games...

Guess what? Almost every operating system does that.
Windows Vista/7 even separates "sleep" from "hibernation". First one keeps everything in ram while hibernation copies ram's content to a temporary file on your hdd which means it doesn't need any energy.
I guess you have really little experience with Windows.
So finally windows has caught up? Macs had that for years and still on windows its no where near as quick.

There are viruses for Mac.
If you're smart with your system you'll get no viruses for Windows.
I have never had a single problem caused by a virus.
Never once have I seen Mac OSX with a virus.

There are too many things you either can't do with Mac or you can do but way worse.
Lol, name them? there are plenty of things you either cant do on a PC or can but "way worse" compared with Mac.

Macs are the best of both worlds. I bet if windows user could run mac os natively they would.

Are you really serious with that statement?
There are things you have to manually configure for hours that are auto-installed on Windows.
Also, these days it's easy to troubleshoot any system if you know how - It's easier to troubleshoot Macs if you work on Macs but most technical things on Mac take more time.
Yes I am very serious,
- Activity Monitor (a more powerful version of Windows Task Manager)
- Console (which shows all system logs in one place)
- Disk Utility (which helps you identify disk integrity issues).

Have you ever tried to troubleshoot a Mac? if you had you would know.

No, it's not the main reason. They are simply made to do this. People editing graphics, music etc simply use Macs because it's easier to do these particular things on a Mac. And in my opinion this is the main advantage of Macs.
And there we have it, you said it yourself... Macs are easier to use. Therefore FAR superior for the casual home user.

You failed in your argument.

All of these points are valid. You sound like someone who has had no experience using Macs.


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More people use iPhone OS than Android does that make it better?.. Oh wait it is better :lol:
No, it is not. I've already shot you down on every point you've made regarding this. Android is a superior mobile OS to iPhone OS. Fact.

Never once have I seen Mac OSX with a virus.
I don't particularly care much for the OSX VS Windows argument, but I'd just like to point out a couple of things. A) I have personally seen viruses for Mac's. The most recent one that comes to mind is the trojan that was being circulated through torrent-copies of iLife '09.

and B) - discussing viruses is pointless, because in order to cause the maximum carnage and spread the virus as quickly as possible, the people who write them will write the for the system that has the most users. Windows has the most users worldwide, therefore there are more viruses for Windows than OSX.

Did you know that there are least 3 viruses for the iPhone? Yep. and there are NO viruses for Android. Because right now iPhone has more users (although this won't be the case by 2012).

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