Why can't you? Y2J appearing there could've made people care for the promotion.
Jericho showing up in RoH wouldn't have suddenly given them a huge boost. Didn't happen when Eddie went there, or when Foley went there or when Matt Hardy went there. Would have been a nice rub for the company, but there's no way Jericho would work for ROH regularly. He has a family to support.
Jericho said he was coming back to help the business and to help the young talent. He didn't say he was coming for the money, fame, or for his own hype. Instead he got selfish and tried to capitalize off of the WWE's injured main event roster. Problem was that he didn't comeback soon enough to be the center of attention. As soon as he came back, most of the top guys were getting off the injured list and they shoved him to the back.
Jericho is a pro wrestler, and pro wrestlers want to ply their trade at the highest level. If he had to choose between wrestling at WrestleMania with one million viewers, or for ROH or TNA show with far, far fewer viewers, who wouldn't choose WWE? It's not all about money, but don't forget that this is the man's
The only reason he's not in the main event picture is because of guys like HHH and because of so many backstage politics. The guy is not getting a fair shot.
Just because he's not feuding with Orton doesn't mean his not a main eventer. When was the last time Triple H held the belt (excluding No Mercy)? Once Jericho's done with JBL, they will (hopefully) keep him at the top of the card.
As soon as Jericho comes back, all of a sudden they decide to move midcarder Jeff Hardy into the contender slot/main event picture. What the fuck type of shit is that?
Jeff Hardy is over. If anything, he should be the WWE Champion right now. His momentum was such that they really, really should have put the belt on him. I don't know why you can't see that because for 99% of the people I've spoken to, the only negative about the Rumble show was that Orton retained. I can't remember the last time I've watched a title match and REALLY wanted one guy to win. Not because I hated the other guy, but because it was just
right. Probably Benoit at WrestleMania XX.
Notice how you said for the entrance and post match beat down, which means the crowd was sleep inbetween the entrance and post match, showing that everyone was sleep during the actual match. Yeah Jericho's return actual has people on their feet that they pay attention to his matches.
He was up against a rusty, overweight 41-year-old who - at his absolute peak - was only passable in the ring, and they were only given 10 minutes. Jericho was a little sloppy, but how the fuck can you blame
him for what you perceive as an underwhelming crowd reaction?