Zero Cool said:
In any number of ways; inheritence, enoblement, marriage, war etc. etc. Violence was obviously a part of it, as it is up to this day, but it wasn't the only part.
OK, maybe this is my fault for poor word choice. When I say 'gain' I mean for the throne to actually change hands, & for a new family to sit on the throne.
Zero Cool said:
The achievements of the Empire were manifold. It brought infastructre, western ideals to backward societies, democracy, capital development etc. etc. Clearly there were times of exploitation and atrocities but that shouldn't detract from the overall achievements of the British Empire. Because of it over 400 million people now claim English as a mother tounge and it is the most widely learned second language in the world.
This is the classic view of those who believe the British Empire was good. 'Backward societies'? That's a little fucked up. Bringing more, in Western eyes, 'advanced ways' to other parts of the world actually resulted in a lot of traditional skills being lost.
I mean, for example, I believe that there are medicine men in this world who hold just as much power as our doctors. While our doctors can cure things like polio & these medicine men may not, these men can cure things like fevers without expensive medicine. If we showed these people our Western way of doing things with tablets & pills chances are some of these cures would be lost.
A similar type of thing has happened with many of the countries which have been immorally (that is conquered) introduced to the Western way.
And while you see it as a good thing that 400 million people speak the same language, as their first, there are many who believe the languages that were lost are a tragedy.
I actually agree with you, that this is a good thing, but, once again, put against what had to be sacrificed to get it this way, I can honestly say I would rather this wasn't the case & the pain felt by these people could be retracted.