It's not really about color or race. I like to call it the "white man" because truely thats who they are. I dont think there worthy enough for a better title of respect. Whether or not it was the white man that started the slave trade it was the white man who was kickn down a African-American and yelling nigger at him/her. It was the white man who was whipping the African-American in the back like an animal because it didnt obey an order. In my opinion, I believe it is the WHite man who created the HIV virus to decline the world population because if u think about it, it is deeply SMART. WHat are the major things people desire; money, power & sex. The white man fills the streets with drugs, only to imprison the people. Gives out guns to countries & people so they can kill each other. Starts wars with countries over theories & assumptions and gets away with it. There will never, EVER be a president of the United States that isnt white. Mark my words. THis is a slow but working process in which the white man will govern ALL and run the world. You live in what u think is a normal life, but outside in the real world, a lot of shit goes down. I dont have too much to complain for, all I know is the white man is the cause of the chaos, the wars, deaths and Bullshit that goes on in tis world. In reguards to this great and corrupt nation, id like to end it with.. George Bush can lick my balls & so can the people in power. There the real cowards.