groobz said:
What they did is called vandalism, just because they think they own that part of england now and think they can turn it into some god forsaken land of theres and do what they want with it, again, gather them up, lock them up, untill they learn their lesson, it's time to get tough.
Yes it is literally called vandalism. However first of all they didn't introduce new ideas into their england
they aren't burning down pubs, rather there are rule regulating billboards in england in the first place. These rules are a slight grey area (like the whole burglar/ intruder law in UK). They simply asked for a SLIGHTLY stricted enforcment of laws which have already been put in place to govern things like this. Nothing new or 5shariah about that is there.
THere are many rules and laws in place in the UK currently governing public shows of indeceny, such as naturists, men with their dicks hanging out from their pants, you get the idea. Similar with televeision there is the 9 o,clock watershed, where the adult stuff come on after 9. So whats the problem with campaigning for slightly stricter enforceent.
and on the vandalism tip, well I have already explained that in past posts. Smart people like Illuminattile and that heartless understood my point and accepted that I was able to have an opinion. But a few people seemed to take, my having an opinion as an attack on the Britsih way of life. and an attack on their country. I respect Illuminattile and tha hearltess for understanding objectively my point and accepting it.
Finally, who's land is the UK. Remeber the controvesy surrounding the Jerry Springer show. The christians up and down the land got laughed at silly and hated on for trying to get Jerry SPringer removed from the BBC for having a blasphemous theme somewhere in there.
also am I not allowed to have an opinion on the interpretation of grey areas in british laws and rules. Primary example being the burglar/ intruder law. or would that be an attack on British way of life.