I was really surprised to see that the majority of ya'll disagree with reparations just because it was a long time ago or whose gonna pay for it. I'm black myself, but that's not why I'm for reparations. I'm for it because it's just DESERVED AND WAY OVERDUE. I say any other minorities who deserve reparations should be able to get it too. America has been spending billions and billions of dollars on war, and even giving away millions to other countries. If America can do that shit, it shouldn't be that frustrating to pay reparations. Reparations don't even have to be about giving away money. America can fix up the fucked up communities that blacks and other minorites reside in (which are actually the majority population in reality). A lot of good can be done that it might help the troubled societies, which can eventually help everyone else.
I completely agree with VENOMOUS's 1st post and the rest of his. I guess what a lot of ya'll are saying is that I could kill you and your multi-tasked, raped, murdered, injustified, unequal families and leave your babies alive to bring a few more generations in and they won't have shit, cuz I know at that time, everybody would be way too selfish to help them.
I'm not saying this just 4 blacks. This is for everybody who deserves it. The world has money!!! We have the money weapon ammuniton, tanks, rich ass house with 100s of rooms, crusies (I could go on)...
So I think that we should fix home and it can all be a celebration...bitches...