Technology Android


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saw the cliq ad on tv, its being endorsed by orange.

one thing im not looking forward to is the christmas rush for people getting iPhones as a result of o2, vodaphone and orange selling the iPhone.


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I'm running Cyanogen Mod 4.1.9999 now. It's lightning fast. I did the new method and it was really easy. You only have to do it once as well, after that you can continue to use CM Updater.


Well-Known Member
I'm running Cyanogen Mod 4.1.9999 now. It's lightning fast. I did the new method and it was really easy. You only have to do it once as well, after that you can continue to use CM Updater.
laughin all the way to the bank.. ha, ha, ha, ha , ha. good news then, just the once.

what are the implications if it messes up?

is there any kind of guide on the procedures involved?

ive had a few CM update notifications but ive ignored them thus far.

i'd like to stay ahead of the game and continue using root; so the sooner i can do the new process to link the google products in the better though i must say ive been very busy with my online task for psychology as of late.


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I don't know if the device pictured is the Dragon, but it seems likely. Either way, it looks fly.

Does the Cliq have a physical keyboard?

My sister is thinking of getting it.
Tell to hold out for the Moto Droid instead, it's WAY better than the Cliq. As Boy Genius says "The MotoDroid makes the Cliq look like a child's toy".

saw the cliq ad on tv, its being endorsed by orange.
Yep, I saw loads of adverts for it in the city centre yesterday. Moto are really pushing it which is good. It's picking up celeb support as well, Kim Kardashian just got one.

is there any kind of guide on the procedures involved?

i'd like to stay ahead of the game and continue using root; so the sooner i can do the new process to link the google products in the better
[ROM] CyanogenMod - Keeping You Legal For Less (BETA) [UPDATED 10/6 - v4.1.999] - Page 29 - Android Community Forums

Basically you have to download a file from HTC's website and put both the HTC file and Cyan's ROM on your sdcard.

You boot into recovery mode, flash the HTC file, and then when it reboots after installing the HTC file, you hold down home to get straight back into recovery mode and then flash the Cyan ROM. It's very important that you don't allow to the phone to boot up to the OS after flashing the HTC file, or you will lose root, and it's a MUCH more complicated method from that point to regain it.

From Cyan 4.0.4, I did two backups of everything (one using MyBackupPro and one using Backup for Root Users) and then I booted into recovery mode, made a Nandroid backup, then flashed the HTC file followed by the Cyan ROM.

It's incredibly fast and way more stable.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I saw loads of adverts for it in the city centre yesterday. Moto are really pushing it which is good. It's picking up celeb support as well, Kim Kardashian just got one.

[ROM] CyanogenMod - Keeping You Legal For Less (BETA) [UPDATED 10/6 - v4.1.999] - Page 29 - Android Community Forums

Basically you have to download a file from HTC's website and put both the HTC file and Cyan's ROM on your sdcard.

You boot into recovery mode, flash the HTC file, and then when it reboots after installing the HTC file, you hold down home to get straight back into recovery mode and then flash the Cyan ROM. It's very important that you don't allow to the phone to boot up to the OS after flashing the HTC file, or you will lose root, and it's a MUCH more complicated method from that point to regain it.

From Cyan 4.0.4, I did two backups of everything (one using MyBackupPro and one using Backup for Root Users) and then I booted into recovery mode, made a Nandroid backup, then flashed the HTC file followed by the Cyan ROM.

It's incredibly fast and way more stable.
yea, she got one for her birthday. good to see some celebs with android, though they wont know the real benefits of it. most people buy phones because of what they look like anyway and just camera, memory and price.

so i guess i'd do it in this order:

do phone system backup
download htc file
put that and new CM mod file onto sd card
boot into recovery mode
make nandroid backup
flash htc file
wait for reboot
hold down "home" key before reboot begins
flash CM rom
load updated OS


Staff member
they have ads in the wall street journal, mocking the iPhone.

"iDon't run simultaneous apps. DroidDoes"

"iDon't customize. DroidDoes"


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If it's not coming out on t-mobile, it's useless information lol fuck verizon
I can't claim to know that much about US carriers. But my wife says that Verizon overall has much better coverage than T-Mob does.

Of course I don't know what their plans are like.


Well-Known Member
T-Mobile might not have the better coverage but more people use it and it's cheaper, Project Dark is about to shit on other carriers. T-mobile>Verizon, and that fucking sucks that Droid is gonna be Verizon.


Well-Known Member
im just going to keep posting android articles on facebook so my friends come across and discover android.

its better than not giving them the chance in the first place because i would rather my friends get android phones than the iPhone. everyone across the nation is like oh the iphone the iphone this the iphone that. i want the iphone. have you seen the new iphone?

i guarantee the next iphone will have a 5 megapixel camera, by that time other phones will be making 8MP their standard. but wait, 5MP macthes the quality of the n97, the droid and so on? those phones are better and still ahead of the iphone in my opinion.

many of my friends are still getting blackberries. one of my friends bought one and i think she's gone and lost it after 3 weeks. dont know if she'll get another one from insurance but she did get her phone number back.

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