yeah I found that out lol. So umm how do I go about doing that?
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/ADWlauncher.apk
adb push /File/location/onPC/ADW.Launcher_xxx.apk /system/app/
adb reboot
The second command removes the existing launcher.
The third pushes the new one from whatever location it is on your PC, to the system partition on your device. (Obviously put in the correct system path and the correct file number in the right places)
4th command obviously will reboot your phone.
This will be good for current Blackberry users.
So what is the thing that's supposed to be a D2 with a slightly faster processor and GSM? Droid 2 World Edition?
If anyone's interested, Motorola launched 7 new Android phones at a consumer electronics event yesterday. I won't post them here because frankly none of them are particularly interesting to me, but if you're interested:
Motorola Announces 7 Android Phones: Bravo, Citrus, Defy, Droid Pro, Flipout, Flipside, Spice | Android Phone Fans