Technology Android


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I was all about switching to T-Mo or some GSM network, but I don't know if the bands would transfer over to the Caribbean if I were to go there. And I looked at their phones and it seems they such the dick of RIM. $700 for a BB. Didn't say if it was USD or on or off contract. Just said that. Fucking dick.


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Tempted to get a Kindle 3... Seems cheap at £109... And there is nothing better (android) to read ebooks is there?
I'd say get a Nook, although the bastards haven't released it in the UK. Still, if you can get a hold of one from the US, it's a better device.


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I played around with the G2 at the T-Mobile store yesterday and I have to admit that I was pretty impressed.

I can see the differences with the screen of the G2 vs that of the Samsung.. but it's not enough to be a deciding factor I don't think.

The smaller keyboard will take some getting used to as well. Pretty thin/light to say that it also has a physical keyboard.

I do wish it came in other colors though. The dull grey isn't impressive.


Well-Known Member
The Kindle is toe to toe better than the Nook.
Its cheaper
It has more capacity (3'500 vs 1'500 although you can expand the nook)
Longer Battery (1 month vs 10 days)
Works Internationally
Weighs less (8.7 oz vs 11.6)
Has more title available (the nook says it has over 1m but this is including magazines etc..) the Kindle has 1.8m free books alone.
Longer return policy for books (30 vs 14 days)

There are some feature the Nook has that are better like book lending, but I dont see why the Kindle wont be able to offer that soon. also the Nook is colour which is nice and has a replaceable battery.


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Nook is better cos you can root it and run apps on the color touch screen panel :)

It has it's own Android app also:

Plus, I don't get why the Kindle needs that full keyboard. It's not like anyone's gonna do any heavy typing on it. I think the Nook is a better looking device.



Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Hmm. Interesting comparison. I always wondered what the difference was. I haven't used one before, and right now, I'd prefer a physical book over an ebook. But I'm thinking more along the lines of a textbook. I've found scans of my textbooks online and downloaded them as opposed to buying them. But reading them on my computer is very hard for me. I feel distracted.

Maybe a leisure book I could handle on a reader. I heard that eink (I think that's what it's called) is amazing and better to read on than on an LCD screen like a tablet, laptop, etc.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
What's the battery life like on the nook? The kindle lasts a long, long, long time.

I look the nook as it is colour I could read magazines as well as books.


Well-Known Member
Nook is 10 days, Kindle is about month.
It would be good if the nook worked internationally which is a big negative for me considering the amount I travel.

I dont think the nook is full colour, only the lower part of the screen is.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, then the Kindle is a clear-cut winner. Even on AF, there was a thread about this, and it was completely Kindle. No one wanted the Nook despite it running Android.


Staff member
Yeah, I never heard anyone arguing that Nook is a better e-reader. At this point in my life, I don't care for either. I don't read enough to get tired of physical books while I don't travel enough to need an e-reader.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, I bought my first leisure book in a long time and it was Jon Stewart's Earth just a few days ago. Before that was Colbert's I Am American And So Can You earlier this year.


Well-Known Member
i feel the same way you do smacky about requiring those textbooks but not being able to read them as well as compared to if they were hard copies.

the only advantage a digital format would have is less space-consumption and therefore more portability, and the ability to search and highlight words within a page or chapter.

otherwise it's the old fashioned way that wins it for me because its easier to scour a few pages than to keep searching on the computer or on an e-reader. that my two cents anyway. but i suppose it can be just as or almost as easy to do with an electronic device once you get the hang of it; and the same applies to me what sofi said about not requiring a vast amount of books on the go with me.

the only things i take around with me are lecture notes and a few journals.


Staff member
yeah I bought a few books in digital format just because they were half the price of the traditional books but usually the link ends up expiring after like a year or so...not that it matters, but yeah, can't really re-sell it. I didn't care though, I was getting showered with scholarship and grant money. Going off on a tangent, I don't think I still realize how lucky I was to not pay a dime for my education.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, I didn't buy the digital copies. Pirating FTW!!

But I do find them useful if I need to go to the library with a few textbooks, and instead just taking one or two and having the rest on my computer just for reference.

If I didn't have to use plain old Acrobat Reader to read them, and maybe something more intuitive for long reading, like bookmarking, highlighting, etc. I might be able to deal with it then.

Otherwise, I'm fine with a physical 1500 page text book to lug around. Maybe when I'm older and worthless, I'll start reading books out of nostalgia for when I should have studied in college. Right now, I'll just keep pretending.

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