Technology Android


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Just flashed the new Cyanogen ROM, the full 2.1

Holy fuck Android 2.1 is the shiznit. So many new features, bug fixes, and insanely fast. This has breathed new life into my G1. It doesn't even feel like an old device any more.


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p.s. i played around with (mainly to download apps for) my cousin on his SE Xperia X10 - great phone to use. its not the same for me as having a phone with a keyboard, but using it yesterday has given me reassurance in getting one without a slide out qwerty... hopefully the Evo comes to the UK - that is my number 1 choice if it does, Desire is a strong possibility too...

Very smooth performance, fun to use, but is only on android 1.6, im assuming they'll get 2.2 as their next update. didnt test out the video or camera on it - i know it'll be good.

i set up maps navigation on his phone for him after downloading the voice app for it. should be working fully now, looks great in the widescreen landscape view.


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Sandeep just be aware that if you don't already have it you will have to flash what's known as the "DangerSPL" first if you want to use CM5.


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So today I've heard from my friend from HP that they are rethinking HP Slate - that it will have Android or Palm WebOS (that they acquired) instead of Windows 7.

Any news on that online?

Oh yeah here it is:

However they talk about WebOS while a friend of mine mentioned, that they're rethinking this mostly because of Android and WebOS is only an alternative because they will have it for free too granted their acquisition of Palm.
Supposedly they are preparing to release some other Android tablets anyway.


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btw, new official Twitter app for Android is out, and it's dope as hell. I just installed it on my G1 and I love it.

It's 2.1+ only, so if you're not on 2.1 need to get on that!


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okay I installed a bunch of cool games and apps and I can say wow.

I'm selling my psp, I won't need it anymore :p

I'm addicted to the Sega Genesis emulator and Quake 3 arena multiplayer.


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When is 2.1 coming to the G1?
Right now, if you root, which I recommend you do, and it works pefectly, even the live wallpapers work, although not as smoothly as on a Nexus 1/Droid.

Officially.....maybe never? It's unclear and seems unlikely. Here's why.

The G1 has a limited amount of system memory for the OS. Android 2.1 is bigger than can fit on the amount of memory that the G1 has available.

However, there's a partition in the system memory that is used for OTA updates.

If you have root, you can install a new SPL (secondary program loader) called DangerSPL, which resizes those partitions, giving the G1 much more room for the OS. The new 2.1 Cyanogen ROM requires the DangerSPL because of the size of the ROM.

So what you do is, get root, flash a new radio image (the 26I radio), flash the DangerSPL, then flash the new Cyanogen ROM and then you'll have full Android 2.1 on your G1.

It sounds more complicated than it is, it's actually a very simple process.


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About 5 or 6 simple steps and you have 2.1 root. the only problems im experiencing are heavy battery consumption and not being able to set my keypad lock pattern. also, it has been a little sluggish in switching orientation - again, this is an experimental version. hopefully they roll out these issues and get a stable release in the next week.

but its worth it, much smoother performance. and it solved my force close issues, though i still get some here and there - but less often. again, still experimental.

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