enough for me.
I have the
everything I need.
I prefer
And herein is why (as I have already pointed out) your argument is flawed.
Let's say you went out into any street and asked people for a whole range of things they need their phone to do. Let's say you gathered 100 of those things.
Android, as a platform, and the existing hardware that the platform runs on - DOES MORE OF THOSE THINGS than the iPhone OS and the existing hardware it runs on.
Therefore Android is a
SUPERIOR OS to the iPhone. This is not motherfucking rocket science, yet I've repeated these 3 times now and you still don't get it. This is why as masta said, you are an annoying person to argue with.
heavy media use (as an iPod.)
No. Playing MP3's and watching videos rendered with Quicktime codecs does not qualify as heavy media usage. Does your iPhone play FLAC or Ogg Vorbis files? No. Does it have flash support? Does it support mkv video files? Does it support VOB files?
When I say heavy media usage, I'm not talking about the length of time you spend using it. You could spend 24 hours of every day listening to MP3's and that still doesn't qualigfy as heavy media usage. Heavy media usage means support for as many formats as possible.
- User interface, easiest and slickest phone to navigate I have used.
Incredibly boring UI that offers no customisation other than "Hey look I can change the order that the apps are displayed in!!!!" No theme support, no backgrounds, no widgets. If you computer couldn't offer these things you'd be hella pissed off, why settle for less with your phone? oh I know why, you fall hook line and sinker for Apple's PR tricks like every other iLoser. Here's an example of how Apple got to you with their subtle use of language and their mind control.
You see that? Apple thinks you are so stupid that they can repeat the same 3 words ad infinitum and people will believe them. Judging from how you repeat words such as "Best iPod Ever"
directly from their PR campaigns shows that you are stupid enough to fall for it. I reckon I could sell you a bottle of air if I had the right PR campaign. Turns out all I gotta do is tell you how amazing and incredible air is over and over again.
- Media/entertainment/Web browsing
Best music /video player. Best iPod ever. Best web browsing on a mobile phone with multi touch.
See above. When you only support a handful of formats you can't claim to have the best music or video player. Your statement is WRONG. Usually I would say that people are entitled to their opinions but when their opinions are based on LIES AND BULLSHIT then opinions can indeed be WRONG.
-iTunes Music store largest online music/videos/movie store. More content to choose from compared with Amazon.
Studies have shown that the
VAST majority of iTunes/iPod users have never purchased a single item from iTunes. And you do realize that I could use iTunes on my computer and transfer to the content to my Android phone if I wanted to, right? But I don't because iTunes sucks. Therefore, your point, once again, is INVALID.
iPhone App Store, 100,000 apps vs 10,000 Android. iPhone Apps from well known developers.
Well known? LMAO. Name one developer that is "well known" to the general public outside of fanboys of that product. Without looking it up. For the record, it's about quality not quantity and roughly 800,000 of those iPhone apps are A) completely worthless and B) sell less than a few copies. If you boil it down to apps that actually enjoy a significant userbase? There's probably around 2,000 on both iPhone
and Android.
And for the record, as I've mentioned before, developers are abandoning the iPhone for Android at breakneck speed. Not only because it's a more enjoyable platform to develop for, but because Google cares about it's developers, doesn't restrict them or fuck them over, and because there are more possibilities with the platform overall.
For the average consumer (like myself) these are the top points they look at when making a decision.
You don't speak for anyone other than yourself. This board has a cross section of people from diverse backgrounds, and it's clear we have more Android fans than anyone else, even people who don't yet own Android devices can see that it is clearly a superior platform.
Until there is a phone from Android that can top those main features, I will stick with the iPhone.
There are plenty of Android phones that top those features. Not sure what's available in NZ other than the HTC Magic on Vodafone, which is a very capable device indeed but 8-10 months old at the moment.