The Joe Biden & Sarah Palin debate


Staff member
^Shut up you panzy.

It's a sad day when Joe Biden's biggest problem in the debate is not beating her, but not beating her too much to the point that he'll be deemed sexist.

It's a thin line to walk, I'd say.

But I don't think Sarah Palin will do bad, honestly. I think she's been coached enough on McCain's ranch these past two days. Plus, if her latest interview with Katie Couric demonstrates anything, it's that Palin is finally learning to be a politican. Answer a question by not answering it.

Homosexuality? Well, I've had a gay friend for over 30 years and she's my best friend, I didn't choose that path but she did and that's fine.

Man-made global warming? Well, there's a hand of god working on this earth but it's possible that people have done damage to the environment.

Should it be illegal for a 15 year old girl who was raped by her father to get an abortion? Well, I'm pro-life and unapologetic. I would counsel the victim to choose life.

What magazines and newspapers do you read to establish your worldview and knowledge of foreign affairs? Well, I’ve read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media.

What specifically, can you name one? All of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years.

Can you think of ANY supreme court decision that you disagree with? Well, I could think of -- of any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with.

By the hand of God, I wouldn't let this woman be on the PTA board of my local high school, let alone be VP.


Well-Known Member
It's a sad day when Joe Biden's biggest problem in the debate is not beating her, but not beating her too much to the point that he'll be deemed sexist.
Hah I was watching Dutch television and they said they same thing. To quote the guy who said it "Biden should just stand back and let her hang herself".


Staff member
^Or what I read somewhere, "Biden should just give one word answers so that Palin won't be able to bite off of him".


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sarah Palin is nothing short of a complete fucking moron and this debate is going to make her look more idiotic than she already does. She's a laughing stock already.


Well-Known Member
She may have been a good debater in Alaska (never watched the clips), but I think she is overcoached by the campaign staff so she'll probably fuck something up. Biden will probably fuck something else up too so he has more to lose.

I predict Sean Hannity will say Palin won no matter what the polls say afterwards.


Well-Known Member
The problem Palin has is that she knows practically nothing about any of the issues that are important on a national level. Not just foreign policy--almost everything.

Did her now infamous answer to the bailout? LOL. She would have been better off saying she doesn't know much about economics, and we've all seen how that's come back to bite McCain in the ass.

All of the Republican advisers got together in a room with her and tried introduce all these conservative economic talking points and why they're supposed to work. She was overwhelmed, and just started spitting out all the small bits she could remember in no coherent order.

Throw in the moderator who's in the tank for Obama, and this is going to be the most interesting clash of personalities I've seen in a debate in a long time.

Palin better screw up big time, or else all of her minor mistakes are going to be blamed on the moderator's bias and Biden's sexism. The conservative media juggernaut will make sure of it.


Well-Known Member
Cmon guys Alaska is pretty close to Russia. I'd say that givers her excellent qualifications in the foreign policy department.

What time is this at btw?


Well-Known Member
She'll definitely win to the Christian fundamentalist crowd if she starts speaking in tongues. That ploy might work for her. "I'm voting for her because God speaks through her." To the rest of us, it'll seem like she's speaking in tongues even when she's not.


Well-Known Member
Biden is a master-debater
But he often makes gaffes. If he does it tonight, it'll take major points from him.

I'll be surprised if Palin doesn't do all right. She's okay when she has prepared answers, which she'll definately have. It'll mostly come down to whose positions you agree with, and you already know who that is.


Well-Known Member
Oh oh. I think she just made a mistake that we'll be hearing about. She said she'll answer the questions she wants to, not the ones the moderator or Biden asks. In other words, if she doesn't have an answer, she'll give a rehearsed one instead. She tried to pass it off as talking directly to the Amer people.

And Biden has annoying looking eyes.


Well-Known Member
Questions answered tonight:

Joe Biden: 14 out of 18
Sarah Palin: 2 out of 18

+ points for Sarah Palin small-town cute factor. Lines like "Darn right!" = ++

+ points for Joe Biden almost crying


Well-Known Member
so how is the debate? biden winning as supposed to?
Not quite. The moderator was pretty decent, wasn't so obviously in the tank for Obama as people were expecting, she did have a moment where she cut off Palin.

Palin did much better than anyone was probably expecting. Not exactly the same person that was shown in the ABCNews and CBSNews interviews. Biden didn't make any historic gaffes. He really did what was needed on him which was not to fuck up.

Drudge report poll
Who Won the VP Debate?
Right now out of over 41,000 votes it is 76% for Palin with over 31,000 votes and 22% for Biden with over 9,000. 2% for neither


Well-Known Member
Well, doggone it! She's just one of the folks. And millions of American just folks are going to eat that up. Biden had the edge in content but she held her own, esp. when expectations for her were so low. She told some jokes that got some laughs. For a while, though, she looked like a robot reading a teleprompter in her mind, but by the end seemed relaxed and confident.

Biden got a good shot in when he made McCain look bad by praising Palin about her giving money back to Alaskans. But take away points for him repeating himself about McCain saying, "I'm surprised there's a sub-prime crisis." Ok, you said that already.

Like Bush, Palin can't pronounce nuclear, either. And then this: "they hate our freedoms." The Bush Doctrine? Sounded like Bush to me.

But people who originally liked her will continue to will probably say she won this. Obama's side will say Biden won because their ticket has more to offer and he represented it well.

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