GTA's so fucken boring. I dunno why everyone loves it.
Because GTA has games within the Game, as for Starcraft, it's Starcraft. I believe RPG and things that made RPG's great in the 8 and 16-bit era died right around the time the Playstation was introduced. Nintendo kept their version alive but it wasn't enough. With help of thr internet, there's a new evolved form of RPG's but the best RPG, the RPG that resembles those of the 8 and 16 bit era, right now is GTA. Plus, it's gangster. I remember getting my Hot Air Balloon in Dragon Quest 4.. it's was great, I could go anywhere.
2 things that annoy me
-a great driving/flying in-game physics with shitty environment.
-a great environment with shitty transport.
GTA solved it and is getting better at it