Who is parenting now?

Man... I've seen kids, I've been to high school graduation and kids are fucking retarded. I AM NOT KIDDING YOU. KIDS IN AMERICA ARE RETARDED BEYOND BELIEF. Yay Democrats and faggots!

Sure, I could go with the flow and say "OMG I'm so happy to hear about you having offsprings! That is so courageous and intelligent of you!

Or I could post this video

Listen, I don't have the money, the mental stability nor the hope to bring a child into this fucking world of ours.

You better fucking raise them right. You fucking signed up for it.

So really, who's parenting? Don't ask me to babysit your offsprings!!
Had some punk ass bitch 16 year old across the street coming over here to my house with his friend in ski mask fucking with my vet neighbor, just for being told to stay off the driveway. The kid is a retard. He can't ride a bike and he rides around in a tricycle. The pigs come here 3-4 cars deep every time this punk ass bitch beats up his own family member. His mom, his little brother. Nobody loves him obviously and he came over here again today with his aluminum chain around his neck with a boombox on the basket of his tricycle. Got told to leave and he proceeds in his retarded way to make poses and have his ski mask friend take photos!Told the should've-been-aborted faggot to make sure he posts it on his Instagram. Fucking retards.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Had some punk ass bitch 16 year old across the street coming over here to my house with his friend in ski mask fucking with my vet neighbor, just for being told to stay off the driveway. The kid is a retard. He can't ride a bike and he rides around in a tricycle. The pigs come here 3-4 cars deep every time this punk ass bitch beats up his own family member. His mom, his little brother. Nobody loves him obviously and he came over here again today with his aluminum chain around his neck with a boombox on the basket of his tricycle. Got told to leave and he proceeds in his retarded way to make poses and have his ski mask friend take photos!Told the should've-been-aborted faggot to make sure he posts it on his Instagram. Fucking retards.

Yep. Sounds like America

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