Casey, again, I'll mention your unique case. It works for you because you follow people that actually use it. I don't know if these are everyday, casual users, like your friends and family, or if these are celebrities or blogs. Either way, they are active users. The point I'm trying to make is that my friends are not active. Apparently, masta's aren't either. The others on here haven't chimed in on their activity, but if we assume that their friends are just like masta's and mine, then there isn't much activity there either. So for you G+ is amazing, and this-and-that. For us, it's just something that a lot of hype at one point, but is like an abandoned house now, with just a few mice crawling around making some news every other day or week. You being the rockstar/philanthropist/etc. have all these venues to keep in contact with certain people. People that are always connected at all times to some sort of social network. Their livelihood lies in their phones, where they get emails, makes calls, texts, and in some cases, update their Facebook/Twitter/etc. But most of my friends, and I speak solely from my experience, do not update Facebook with many important things that I feel I need to know. They're not all degenerates working as baggers at a grocery store. These are people that are out and working as teachers, with companies as financiers, engineers, etc. Some are in graduate school or still in undergrad. Point being, they don't have the time to update their stuff, and if they, it isn't something they'd feel the need to share. Switch to your groups and I'm sure there are musicians and actors tweeting their doings, contests, their whereabouts, their next tour dates, etc. I don't know, I'm just assuming, I have no experience with this because I don't follow my "likes" on Facebook that closely to begin with. But these people actually have shit to say and places to be where they have the option of sharing their locations and doings. What about the rest of us with friends that just simply work or go to school? Most update with trivial things and others vent/bitch about life. I think that's the "rest of us" on this forum that don't live the fast lifestyle, fueled by working in the entertainment industry. So our Facebooks read a lot like the "My Life is Average" website.