Yesterday a carbomb was brought to blast right outside the Prime Minster's office killing at least 7 people and injuring the PM. The news coverage around that time suggested that Al Qaida was attacking Norway for its involvement in Afghanistan and the prosecution of some muslim guy with beard in Norway etc. etc.
Two hours after the blast, the same guy responsible for the carbomb dressed up as five-o opened fire at a summercamp slaughtering over 80 kids. Summercamp was held on an island leaving the kids with nowhere to run. Thats that.
Around the time this sick fuck got arrested media claimed that the shooter was a Norway native recently converted to islam.
Now, 24 hours after the blast and the shooting we now get to learn that the shooter was as anti-islamic as the average forummember here. To me its kinda sick how the media played the muslimcard not knowing jack about this terrorists motives.
Here you see a kid begging the terrorist for his life around a couple of dead bodies
Two hours after the blast, the same guy responsible for the carbomb dressed up as five-o opened fire at a summercamp slaughtering over 80 kids. Summercamp was held on an island leaving the kids with nowhere to run. Thats that.
Around the time this sick fuck got arrested media claimed that the shooter was a Norway native recently converted to islam.
Now, 24 hours after the blast and the shooting we now get to learn that the shooter was as anti-islamic as the average forummember here. To me its kinda sick how the media played the muslimcard not knowing jack about this terrorists motives.
Here you see a kid begging the terrorist for his life around a couple of dead bodies