Well I explained it in the same sentence. How many people actually know what Islam is all about? Just because a person says he hates Islam doesn't mean he actually does. You can't hate something if you don't even know what it is. Out of every 100 people that say they hate Islam perhaps 1 actually has the knowledge to be able to. The other ones are just reacting on emotions.
Look at Pittsey's location. I don't think he's watching Bill O'Reilly. There's nothing that even suggests it but you're immediately placing him in a box with brainwashed, ignorant people (sound familiar?). I'm pretty sure that Pittsey doesn't give a shit, he just read SiGh's post and made a joke. Save the anti-muslim routine for people that are actually anti-muslims. Same goes for your comments towards Duke. He's not radical, he just loses his temper (you should see him in a debate about anything animal-rights/vegetarian related.. hi Duke ).
And if someone yells "fuck her, fuck her parents, fuck her religion. Yes I said it fuck Islam" just because a girls doesnt want to have contact with a boy...sorry dude...but that does make him more radical.
There's also a pretty big difference between anti-islam sentiment in America and anti-islam sentiment in Europe. You shouldn't mention Bill O'Reilly in your thread about setting mosques on fire in The Netherlands.
If you're going to assume the role of supporting the Islamic side (kind of .. you don't need to take the Islamic side to be against a lot of the ignorance) maybe you should stop being so hostile and placing everyone who doesn't share your opinion in a box and calling them zionists and anti-islam and thinking that they all think muslims are a bunch of primitive savages. You're not helping anything. If you just want to complain, that's fine, but do it in Our Block.
I'm the one putting people in boxes huh? Not them Islam-bashing members who openly speak about the hatred for islam/muslims. I'm the one ordering headshots on members because of their opinions? I'm the one mis-quoting a post to make it look like someone finds it okay for women to get raped? No..all i do is complain. The rest is helping to make the wold a better place.
PS: probeer je posts een beetje pakkend te houden. niet van die elle lange shizzle posten steeds. hihi. geen zin om alles te lezen