Technology E74


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Not as terrifying as RROD but still looks terrible on my xbox that doesn't work ;(
And I though mine is immune to any faults. Oh and I'm not sure if Microsoft will be willing to fix it because I probably lost my warranty while "playing" with its insides :p
If not then fuck it, I'm getting a PS3.

At least Poland is legible to use PSN as opposed to Xbox Live. I'd just have to get used to that uncomfortable Dual Shock 3.


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The "E74" error is caused by your console overheating. Hit up microsoft and see if your console is still under warranty. If it isn't then just look around online and fix it yourself, it's actually pretty easy and takes under 2 hours to fix.


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its still worth trying to get it fixed, at worst u might have to pay shipping.
yeah I'm going to do that. I just have to call them first to find out if it's still under warranty in their system.

considering your taste in games Masta, i reckon you would be better off playing your games on your PC.
I like some PC-ish games but I still prefer to play them on a console. I find it way more comfortable. On my PC I only play games that don't require keyboard.

how does this happen?
I launched my Xbox (was near the end of Dragon Age:Awakening) and saw some white and dark grey artifacts/triangles/lines popping on screen. I thought that the GPU overheats and instantly turned my xbox off. When I turned it on again after some time there was a single red light on my xbox and a huge "E74" popped on screen. And now it's like that everytime I turn my xbox on.


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Fuck it I called Microsoft and some guy who spoke with broken English told me, that my console is out of warranty because I used it "against their warranty code" or something like that. Now I either fix that by myself or for cheap in an unauthorized service (which probably won't last for long), replace the mainboard which is.. expensive. Or sell this one so someone fucks with it and buy a new one under full warranty.
I'd buy a PS3 already but I have a lot of Xbox games and some accessories.


Staff member

i have had my xbox 360 since 2007 and i never had anything like that (touch wood).

i wonder if the fact that you are in a much warmer climate than over here would contribute to it?
dont touch me. just joking though.

yeh im not to sure, i dont know many people down here who dont have the problem.

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