What you see above is how much it would cost you per framerate (increase) with a Core i7 system over a Phenom II system. The higher the number above, the worse it is because the more you will be paying for performance increase. What is being shown, for example in Left 4 Dead, is that it will cost you $26.88 extra per frame to buy a Core i7 system for gaming.
So if you get 5 fps higher in Left 4 Dead, that just cost you almost $135. Would you pay $135 for 5 fps? Can you see the difference between 114 and 119 fps? And where the two systems are even more closely matched, the case becomes worse for the Intel setup. Since the results for Crysis: Warhead are tied in single GPU configuration, this means you are paying $215 for absolutely no gaming performance increase whatsoever. That is probably very sobering for the Intel fanboys in the house right about now.
Now consider this: for a current difference of $215, you can purchase a second Radeon 4890 to go with a Crossfire setup in a Phenom II system. From a gaming perspective, the Core i7 system simply cannot compete with this.