I love when Obama dickriders absolutely worship everything about him. Yeah, let's award the guy a peace prize. He has done nothing since becoming President. He has done nothing good, nothing bad, nothing substantial at all. His whole Presidency will end up like his whole campaign, talking about all the change we need, the change we are ready for, but doing nothing. A whole lot of talk, a whole lot of nothing else. The closest thing he has actually done to progress of any sort is, what, a basketball court in the White House? Yeah, the next 58 year old white pres will really enjoy the hell out of that. Pickup games with the House of Representatives?
Obama hasn't done shit. His whole reason for the Olympics to be held in Chicago was, "It's my backyard." Well done, Mr. President.
Let's go ahead and get rid of that fellow with the beard and the tophat, put in a new statue of Obama. Who needs history, we have Obama. The International Face of Peace!!!
(P.s. I am an Obama supporter, and voted for him, but being a fanatic is being a fanatic, some people need to stop masturbating to his press conferences.)