Yeah, a lot of our players are having attitude problems. I don't know what's going on. Either way, Bilic is out after the Kazahk game, I'm pretty sure. Hopefully Prosinecki, Asanovic or Igor Stimac can take his place.
As for Slovenia, lol. It's a Balkan thing. Nobody likes Slovenians. Especially in Croatia... They're snobby, they have the highest ratio of gays to population, their country is smaller than my driveway, they're being pricks about us joining the EU over land they think belongs to them, but it doesn't, and while we helped them during the 2 days of war they got back in the 90s, they never helped us afterwards. They tend to come to Croatia and fuck with our heritage buildings by throwing shit on em, etc.
It's cool though, cause their women enjoy blowing us while we're laying on the beach. :thumb: