Working out on sore muscles


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Pittsey said:
My Heart is a muscle too, I don't rest it.
that's weak pittsey, the heart is totally different from every other muscle in your body.

Anyway, fuch situps, do crunches and well, if you train them everyday or not, it really comes down to who you believe in. Some say it doesn't matter, I read multiple times that you should rest your abs like any other muscle.


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Pittsey said:
My Heart is a muscle too, I don't rest it.
that's weak pittsey, the heart is totally different from every other muscle in your body.

Anyway, fuch situps, do crunches and well, if you train them everyday or not, it really comes down to who you believe in. Some say it doesn't matter, I read multiple times that you should rest your abs like any other muscle.


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I'd agree with resting em at least one day after you've done exercise. It's true that doing 300 situps isn't going to warrant a rest as your abs will probably recover, but hold a 15kg weight across your chest/back of your head while doing 300 situps. You're more likely going to need a rest the day after.


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I'd agree with resting em at least one day after you've done exercise. It's true that doing 300 situps isn't going to warrant a rest as your abs will probably recover, but hold a 15kg weight across your chest/back of your head while doing 300 situps. You're more likely going to need a rest the day after.


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Plus I never work out just abs, abs is what I do at the end of a workout and so actually my abs have 2 do their job for an hour before I even start workin them out. Anyway, I try 2 say it in an other way: 2 2 take a day off did never ever hurt a muscle, if anything, it helped the muscle grow.


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Plus I never work out just abs, abs is what I do at the end of a workout and so actually my abs have 2 do their job for an hour before I even start workin them out. Anyway, I try 2 say it in an other way: 2 2 take a day off did never ever hurt a muscle, if anything, it helped the muscle grow.


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The.Menace said:
that's weak pittsey, the heart is totally different from every other muscle in your body.

Anyway, fuch situps, do crunches and well, if you train them everyday or not, it really comes down to who you believe in. Some say it doesn't matter, I read multiple times that you should rest your abs like any other muscle.

And your abs are different too.

Someone who knows their shit said:
While it is important to state that you should not overwork any muscle of the body, you should also remember that the abdominals can be worked on a consistent basis. Though everyone is different, you should be able to work your abdominals with basic exercises four or five times per week without overworking the muscles. The abdominals are involved on a daily basis with simple things, such as helping with your posture or helping you get out of a chair. Thus, working them consistently not only will help you look great but also will help you in many other daily activities.
Sit ups and all those other isolation exercises I'm not a big fan off. A really cool, but very effective way of exercising your abs is by swinging a sledgehammer. Although squats (esp box squats) and deadlifts seem to have built my abs more than anything.


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agreed. I work my abs with benchpress and all those other exercices, I just add crunches at the end of the workout to really get my abs tired but actually your abs have to work all the time, theirfor I think it's good 2 rest them but well, whatever.

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