Who Are You?


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There are certain component of ourselves in which we never change. Sometimes moralistic values we learn as children or really follow by, we keep them until the day we die.

Sometimes it's just certain traits like being goofy, some ppl will stay goofy from the day they're born to the day they die.

We just change our attitudes due to experiences and changes we go through a life time.

If you keep getting backstabbed everyday for 2 years straight, will you be a person that trusts ppl easily? No way, it's because of a situation.
i am not in the same person as before surely not many are especially before the age 35 it's too hard even at that age we are still growing up.

some things about myself havent changed and i can vouche for that much...i mean yes there are things that i have ajusted to and opened up to but my priorities and values have majority stayed the same i learned the hard way you cant change who you are for someone else and that includes assimilating your thoughts/values like someone else for whatever reason.

In general if you do and it wasnt by choice you end up hating yourself for doing it or you can't forget what you once felt like...

yes some of my emotions have changed but thats through experience but at the same time i can easily say the things i felt back 10 years ago i can still say i feel/believe now...some have ajusted and all but i haven't given up on them. either way people will always change their identity some sadly do it for someone else cause they sense the call of duty for it and some do because of the simpleminded fact that "experience" led them to vary and all but listen dont give me heat for this and all it is imo only but men tend to change their identity more drastically and often and it tends to be a drag cause its hard to fall in love with someone who changes more often then a chamelion....

it exists that people have a the same eternal identity: could be from a few traits to the whole thing..sometimes people never change so it happens...like they say you may lose contact with everything you once were but in the end you always stick to your roots...

what you can call the permenant "us" the only things that can be said for that is the nature of ourselves and those are the ones who don't pull 180's on you those are the unstable ones.....(never trust them)-even if its a good change they eventually change back...(sounds like bs but im basing it on all the ones i know who have)
FlipMo said:
Sometimes it's just certain traits like being goofy, some ppl will stay goofy from the day they're born to the day they die.

If you keep getting backstabbed everyday for 2 years straight, will you be a person that trusts ppl easily? No way, it's because of a situation.
what a convienent amount of info.....wonder where this rooted from... :thumb: 2 yrs huh.... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Physically there really isn't that much change either, we are able to still be recognized by others, we all meet people we knew long ago, come up to you, say your name. But then we can take it down to im not the same 1 second ago, time is relative, forever changing. So it has to be our mind, brain, thought process that makes us who we are, only because of rememberance. As little babies it is our parents making us who we are, we are learning what to do and what not to do. Mom brushes your teeth a certain way you will probably brush your teeth the same way throughout life. Can almost say they are giving us concrete memories, i guess, bad choiuce of words but oh well. You can argue either way for this, just depends on how you see it.

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