the meaning of life?

I think George Clooney said it best in Three Kings..."The meaning of life is necessity. Everyone is doing what's necessarily best for them at any given moment".
is to live out the purpose we were given whether we choose that life our God did or whoever you believe in, and oh yea the stupid assholes in the world like the president his meaning is to aid in the decontruction of america.......
For any one of us to find the answer to that questions, first and foremost we will have to go through a passage, to which i am afraid their is no return (yes you guessed it DEATH.) That passage is like a door to the next (whatever yall wanna call it) existant. just like there is PAST-PRESTENT-FUTURE. the PASSAGE (passage 1) that existed between the PAST and the PRESENT was being BORN and this leads us to our PRESENT. The PASSAGE (passage 2) between our PRESENT and the FUTURE is DEATH.

In reality no one has any recalls or memories of anything prior to their birth, just like no one has or will ever come back from the death, and has talked about what happens when you go through the PASSAGE 2. The point that i am trying to make is that the only possible way of us getting the answer to that question at this point in time i.e. PRESENT, is to go throught passage 2 and the only obsticle to this passage is a "little" thing called TIME.
does there have to be a meaning? it's like asking "what's the meaning of this coffee cup?.. why does it exist?" . in my opinion we each have our own purposes in life, that is, our own ambitions, aspirations etc. meaning of life is different for everyone - it isnt a universal thing. but why must there be a meaning? can't it be that we are here because we just are?


Staff member
^For the purpose of discussion, and thinking, it just can't be that we are here because we just are. :) BTW, this post contradicts my other one.
The meaning of life is simple... depending on what approach you take.

On a scientific/Biological stand point the only point to life is to pass on your DNA, simple as that. That's why we have sex, its nature we all want our Genes to live on.


Well-Known Member
The meaning of life is set by those who have a life to live life as they want to live it. When you live your life you are living it as you should live it and that's the meaning of life. But, in a scientific/biological/anthropological aspect, we are monkeys.
' Whatever we hold up as " the meaning of life " will ultimately show itself to be hollow, or false, or contradictory. Yet we keep digging in the same bag. Continuing to search fruitlessly for a conceptual explanation. Either that or we fall into despair. '

This is a Buddhist teaching, taken from a book I'm currently reading. It means that what you are looking for doesn't exist outside oneself.

Pure wisdom.

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