^Are you sure about that? I have a feeling there were still political motives. But then again, people say the same about Vlade and I'm willing to believe he didn't mean anything bad when he threw the Croatian flag away.
One particular thing that was very real about the documentary is when Vlade goes back to Croatia and the dude on the street tells the camera crew that he's a Cetnik. The tensions are very real, still. Every time I went to Croatia, my family would warn me to, you know, calm my Serbness lol. Plus, it helps that my name is not really ethnic-specific, at least when it comes to Croats and Serbs. But yeah, I've read stories of Serbs dying in Croatia because the doctors refused them help, and I'm not talking war-time, I'm talking like two years ago. Not in the main cities, but in the provinces. Still, though.