Did it ever cross your mind that you might not fall into the "intelligent people" category?
Unfortunately for you, I do. I was put through a series of rigorous tests whilst in high school, namely to discover the purpose of my constant reckless behaviour and aggression, and disregard for all authoritarian figures. Through the tests, which were checked and validated by a number of mental health experts, they determined that I had a higher IQ than almost anyone else at my high school, including many people who have now gone on to study Higher Physics, Aeronautical Engineering and other highly intellectual subjects at Universities such as Oxford, and Cambridge, which I assume you have heard of.
These same tests also concluded that I had a severe lack of motivation for anything other than subjects that highly interested me, and also an extremely short attention span, supposedly caused by severe emotional trauma at a young age (which I'll verify), and exacerbated by Attention Deficit Disorder. I refused to acknowledge the ADD as they would have prescribed me Ritalin, which is known to cause chemical addiction later in life.
My intelligence level, and their belief that I could be controlled somehow, is the sole reason I didn't get expelled until the 5th year of high school, despite selling weed to the 2nd years, graffiti-ing the entire playground, clocking up more detentions and suspensions than any other student in the school's history, smoking cigars in my form room, setting lockers on fire, throwing sealed packs of 200 exercise books out of third story windows onto the road, freestyling in physics class about fucking the physics' teachers daughter, and, in the headmasters own words "having the school investigated by the police for [my] links with Jamaican drug gangs in Birmingham" - that one was because of my presence at a
Birmingham party in which two girls were shot and killed that was all over the news here in the UK for a LONG time. That one was the last straw, and they let me go.
So since you were trying to insinuate that I smoke because I am unintelligent, I'd figure I'd throw ya the facts.
Yes, but it also crossed my mind that people might be smart enough to realise that the 'pleasures' of smoking are far, far outweighed by the damage it does.
Or when you die of lung cancer, aged 42.
Smoking 1-4 cigarettes a day triples your risk of heart disease or lung cancer. "Light smoking" is still smoking, and it's still retarded.
What can I say, I'm an extremely hedonistic individual. Perhaps it's an artist thing. Bradley Nowell of Sublime attributed his entire creative output to his heroin use, as do many others. I suppose it depends on what your view of life is. Personally, I don't follow the notion that the point of life is to live as long and as healthily as you can and raise a brood of kids to continue your family name. Heart Disease and Lung Cancer are not on my list of concerns.