Rape and Honor Killings

hussain4891 said:
It is'nt an Islamic problem its a cultural problem, it happens quite a few countries out in that region.
Yes, I dont know why people singled out Islam as the issue in regard here. To me, I see it as a reflection of the disrespect women are still shown in some societies. I feel this is more an issue of a lack of modernity, not a reflection of any religion.
not really ken said:
Much worse shit happens in India, but why does muslim Pakistan have to get singled out?
Actually Pakistan was just an example mentioned in the first source where as the second mentioned others such as Turkey and Morocco. If anyone pursued the Pakistani discussion, it was you. lol.

Besides, it's really an issue of subjective morality, not geographical or even religious finger pointing.

(haha, scroll down a bit - one of the quotes has you as barbie. lol, that was funny).

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