your views on political correctnes is it out of hand
© said:
We should all show our racism?
That is the contradiction I battle with constantly, should we knowingly assume a position opposed to how we truly feel in order to fit with the constraints of our immediate society?
Sometimes I feel as though racist views or prejudices should be at least admitted to, that is my main goal. This is in opposition to the leagues of people who claim "I'm not racist" when they quite obviously are.
I think that racist thoughts should at least be spoken, rather than one censored him or herself. Of course the dilemma here is the consequences of such action, I think however it is safe to say that the current climate would be more encouraging of airing racist views, as now there is a true oppositional discourse to such opinions (and various post-colonial movements have ensured that oppression by whites is not
as bad), and unless someone lives under a rock (which unfortunately quite a few people do), it is blatantly obvious that race as a concrete concept is a fallacy, and thus racism is accordingly false.
One thing that many people fail to see is the difference between racism in speech of the everyday person, and the
real problem: institutional racism. With institutional racism, it doesn't matter what people say, what prevails is the unstated assumptions and claims that many are too scared to air for fear of castigation--until of course, they find many many like-minded individuals and form a group to air their long-held grievances (which occurred in my own country with a recent "race riot").
Basically, the main aim is to stop denying racism in ourselves just because it is ugly or socially unacceptable. In order to get over this frivolousness, we need to realise that there is quite a racist in each of us and actively work to exterminate that by cross-cultural relations and recognition of the inaccuracy of stereotypes. Most of all, we need to stop categorising people into so-called "races", and essentializing those perceived as foreign.
And, by the way, I do harbour views that would be considered as racist, or at least prejudiced. These mostly include unsaid assumptions that are just below my conscious awareness, but may sprout up each time somebody acts in accordance with a stereotype, or even when I expect, one some level, someone to act in accordance with a stereotype. The things we are brought up to learn about cultures foreign from our own are so much of the time distortions of the truth, because I'm convinced that there is no
one true way a culture acts.