NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls


Well-Known Member
Devious187 said:
the fact is that until this story was broken by whoever in the media some months ago (you're right, this is fairly old news that has resurfaced, my bad) Americans didnt know this was going on. so if its no big deal and theres nothing wrong with what they are doing, then why keep it a secret for so long? and i still question the reasons why they need Joe Nobody's list of people he's called and people who have called him, when he's not been suspected of any wrongdoing. it may be legal, but it is still an invasion of privacy in my book.
people did know, people talked about this back in dec and jan. it is no secret.

it is just more media adminstration bashing trying to cover up more important news.

sure we should all question it, but they are dumping it into a computer and searching for patterns, like calls that might be going overseas to a country like syria or iran. none of the people's whose phones records are being looked at are being accused of any wrong doing or charged with anything.

it does border on invasion of privacy, but what is private? are phone records really private? the phone companies have a list of your list of calls and can look at them at any time. so its not private. plus the companies handed the information over. shouldnt people be more upset at the companies?
PuffnScruff said:
people did know, people talked about this back in dec and jan. it is no secret.

it is just more media adminstration bashing trying to cover up more important news.

sure we should all question it, but they dumping it into a computer and searching for patterns, like calls that might be going overseas to a country like syria or iran. none of the people's whose phones records are being looked at are being accused of any wrong doing or charged with anything.

it does border on invasion of privacy, but what is private? are phone records really private? the phone companies have a list of your list of calls and can look at them at any time. so its not private. plus the companies handed the information over. shouldnt people be more upset at the companies?
well thats what i said, until the story broke a few months ago, back in dec and jan, people had no idea this was going on. and its been going on for years. my point is that if it was all perfectly legal, and no one should have a problem with it, then why didnt the administration just come out and tell people about it? it's no secret now, since the media broke the story, but why didnt we hear it from the Bush administration? they were obviously afraid of something. the fact is that if you are an American citizen, you are assured your right to privacy, which it seems you no longer have once that right becomes inconvenient to the government


Well-Known Member
Devious187 said:
well thats what i said, until the story broke a few months ago, back in dec and jan, people had no idea this was going on. and its been going on for years. my point is that if it was all perfectly legal, and no one should have a problem with it, then why didnt the administration just come out and tell people about it? it's no secret now, since the media broke the story, but why didnt we hear it from the Bush administration? they were obviously afraid of something. the fact is that if you are an American citizen, you are assured your right to privacy, which it seems you no longer have once that right becomes inconvenient to the government
i got ya, i misunderstood. sure they should have came out and said they were doing this, but i wouldnt expect any adminstration to do so, specially not this one. i mean this is probably the most hated adminstration, ever, by the news media. this adminstration could announce it has the cure for cancer and the main stream media in this country would find every way to turn it into a bad thing.
PuffnScruff said:
i got ya, i misunderstood. sure they should have came out and said they were doing this, but i wouldnt expect any adminstration to do so, specially not this one. i mean this is probably the most hated adminstration, ever, by the news media. this adminstration could announce it has the cure for cancer and the main stream media in this country would find every way to turn it into a bad thing.
well you do have a point there, and its not even the administration that gets the blame, it always lands on the shoulders of Bush. someone's dog dies in Arizona, and the media finds a way to blame on Dubya. Poor Georgie, it almost makes me feel bad for the guy. Almost. :laugh:

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